All News articles – Page 4051
Christmas test the nation for BBC1
BBC1 controller Lorraine Heggessey and head of entertainment commissioning Jane Lush have ordered a Christmas spin-off of Test the Nation from Talent Television. Test the Nation - National Test 2003 is being edited by BBC political unit editor Alexandra Henderson and John Kaye Cooper will executive produce alongside producer Jean ...
BBC admits to error over Kelly
The BBC has admitted it wrongly inflated the importance of Dr David Kelly as Andrew Gilligan's source in a statement issued after the BBC governors' emergency meeting in July, it emerged this week, writes Leigh Holmwood.
BBC renews faith in docu-soaps
The BBC has given a new lease of life to the docu-soap - which went out of favour in the late 1990s after a glut of cheap imitations - by commissioning a raft of new series on subjects including the Sylvia Young Theatre School, writes ...
'Cot potatoes' gorge on TV
First it was the couch potatoes - now a new breed of 'cot potatoes' is emerging. A new study out today has revealed that over 80% of children under six are watching up to six hours of television a day, ' writes Sam Matthews.
Emap to get its Mojo working on radio
Emap is preparing to extend its Mojo magazine brand into the digital radio arena, writes Michael Rosser.
Scottish indies at disadvantage
Scottish production companies are being held back by a lack of clout with network commissioners and by 'weak monitoring' of commissioning targets, a new report has concluded, writes Gavin Stamp.
One giant leap into the news archives
Astronaut Neil Armstrong's 1969 moonwalk is the most requested news clip, according to a new top 20 archive moments list compiled by ITN Archive.
Wireless Group makes first ever profits
Kelvin MacKenzie's Wireless Group has reported its first ever half year profits and confirmed it will launch legal action against radio industry body Rajar, writes Michael Rosser.
Gilligan's report made 'forceful claims'
The daughter of Dr David Kelly yesterday told the Hutton inquiry he could not understand the 'forceful claims' made in Andrew Gilligan's original story on the Iraq dossier, writes Leigh Holmwood.
D-Day gets the ...In Colour treatment
ITV1 has commissioned Carlton and TWI to make a new one-hour instalment in its ...In Colourstrand about the D-Day landings, to air during the 60th anniversary of the historic event next summer, writes Paul Revoir.
Hodgson takes C4 corporate role
Channel 4 has lured a senior venture capitalist to be its new head of corporate development, writes Gavin Stamp.
Reuters to provide news on single digital files
Reuters will be the first news agency in the world to deliver video, scripts and story information to broadcasters in a single integrated digital file when it debuts a new service at the end of 2003, writes Will Strauss.
Chambers for Five's programming role
Dan Chambers, Five's controller of factual, will replace director of programmes Kevin Lygo with immediate effect, writes Michael Rosser.
BSkyB buys 50% share of Artsworld
BSkyB is to buy a 50% stake in Artsworld, the once struggling arts channel fronted by former Channel 4 chief executive, Sir Jeremy Isaacs, writes Gavin Stamp.
Ozzy's son to front own TV show
Jack Osbourne, the son of heavy-rock singer Ozzy Osbourne, is to present his own entertainment series for Channel 4, writes Jon Rogers.
Club Reps gets blame for holiday hooligans
SMG Television's raunchy fly-on-the-wall ITV1 series Club Repshas been blamed for the hooligan crisis on the Greek resort of Faliraki, writes Paul Revoir.
Licence fee not value for money in Scotland
TV viewers in Scotland are twice as likely as those in London to not regard the BBC licence fee as value for money according to the NOP survey commissioned by Sky, writes Rosemary Gallagher.
Corrie producer steps down
Coronation Street producer Kieran Roberts, the man responsible for the ratings-winning storylines such as the Richard Hillman serial killing plot, has stepped down from the role after two years, writes Paul Revoir.
Novel appointment
Indie Novel Entertainment, the production company behind BBC pre-school series Fimbles, has appointed a new head of production, writes Gavin Stamp.
PM requested BBC admission over report
Prime Minister Tony Blair personally rang BBC chairman Gavyn Davies to ask him to admit that the corporation's original report on the Iraq weapons dossier was wrong, the Hutton Inquiry was told yesterday (28 August), writes Leigh Holmwood.