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    Seven Wonders of the Industrial World (BBC2) - James Walton, Daily Telegraph


    'It turned out to be undeniably stirring - partly because of the utter conviction with which it went about its work...

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    Seven Wonders of the Industrial World (BBC2) - Thomas Sutcliffe, Independent


    'It had a great story, it looked elegant and Ron Cook was a near perfect match for Brunel's bantam-cock pugnacity.'...

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    Sweet Medicine (ITV1) - Alun Palmer, Daily Mirror


    '[ITV1's] Sweet Medicine is an afternoon soap with a few extra quid thrown in.'...

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    Garden SOS (BBC1) - Paul Hoggart, The Times


    'Garden SOS (BBC1) was one of those windfalls that is half rotten before it hits the ground. This was half an hour ...

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    Sweet Medicine (ITV1) - Gareth McLean, Guardian


    '[ITV1's] is so tired and uninspired, it's an insult to your intellignce if you eat without a bib and dress yoursel...

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    Sweet Medicine (ITV1) - Charlie Catchpole, Daily Express


    'My prognosis: Formulaic, sentimental slush. A second opinion: it will run and run.'...

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    Davies takes the stand


    The chairman of the BBC governors Gavyn Davies gave his evidence to the Hutton inquiry last week - but questions about the corporation's management of the David Kelly affair remain writes Leigh Holmwood

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    Deayton goes to Spain for Beckham doc


    Angus Deayton has been lured to ITV1 to present a one-hour special on the build-up to David Beckham's first league match for Real Madrid. Deayton attended Beckham's league debut in Spain and spoke to Spanish celebrities about what life will be like for the Beckhams in Madrid. ...

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    Rory Peck Trust receives£90,000 gift


    The Rory Peck Trust, the charity which supports freelance journalists around the world, has received£90,000 from private charity the Sigrid Rausing Trust, which will help it provide training for journalists working in dangerous situations and will also support injured freelancers and the families of freelancers who have been killed.

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    BBC invites tenders for horse-racing


    The BBC is to commission out production of its horse-racing coverage to the independent sector in an effort to meet its 25% indie production quota. BBC Sport is inviting outside tenders to produce 60 hours of live coverage for BBC1 and BBC2. Major events such as the Grand National, the ...

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    That'll Teach 'Em (C4) - Thomas Sutcliffe, Independent


    'I've been completely hooked myself? because it [Channel 4's That'll Teach 'Em] is so quietly subversive of contemp...

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    Myra: the Making of a Monster (Five) - Joe Joseph, The Times


    'Michael Attwell's film Myra: The Making of a Monster (Five) was a diligent, thoughtful, unhysterical essay about w...

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    Myra: the Making of a Monster (Five) - Gareth McLean, Guardian


    'Myra: the Making of a Monster (Five) was just another film retreading familiar territory. Instead of analysing the...

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    Myra: the Making of a Monster (Five) - Charlie Catchpole, Daily Star


    'This thoughtful and balanced documentary gathered a mass of evidence and tried to determine whether the teenaged H...

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    Myra: the Making of a Monster (Five) - James Walton, Daily Telegraph


    'The programmes did it's best to take a cool look at the story of her life and reputation. Yet, while that desrves ...

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    Touch upgrade


    Lightworks has released the latest version of its software for its Lightworks Touch editing system. Version 1.5 has more than 300 enhancements after seven months R&D. The most significant change is that the software now includes low bandwidth shared storage networking as a standard non-chargeable feature. V1.5 is now shipping ...

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    Voluntary redundancies at YTV


    The entire production team at Yorkshire Television's documentaries and factual department have been invited to apply for voluntary redundancy, in a bid to downsize the struggling department, writes Paul Revoir.

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    Radio revenue rise


    Commercial radio revenue has grown for the sixth successive quarter, according to new figures from the Radio Advertising Bureau. Ad expenditure from April to June 2003 grew 3.3% year-on-year to£144.1m, with household goods manufacturers such as Procter & Gamble and Lever Faberge Homecare looking for a cheaper alternative to TV ...

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    NHU nets new Oddie series


    The BBC Natural History Unit (NHU) has secured a brace of commissions, including a follow-up to Wild in Your Garden that will be the department's biggest ever series order, writes Colin Robertson.

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    Swain in for Moyle


    BBC specialist factual commissioner Emma Swain is to add the arts and performance brief to her role when head of arts commissioning Franny Moyle goes on maternity leave later this month. Swain will be assisted by specialist factual development producer and commissioning newcomer Hannah Beckerman in the role. Moyle is ...