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    Smash Hits on C4


    Channel 4 is launching the Smash Hits Chart Showthis weekend after poaching it from Five earlier in the year. An initial run of 24 x 30-minute editions will air as part of the T4 strand from Saturday (13 September) at 12.30. 1Xtra DJ Letitia and ...

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    BBC to revamp News 24 image


    The BBC is to relaunch its News 24 service by the end of the year in order to make it more distinct from rival Sky News, writes Leigh Holmwood.

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    Bodies brought to life on BBC2


    BBC2 controller Jane Root has commissioned a controversial new drama based on the experiences of a junior doctor as part of a bid to refresh the genre on her channel, writes Leigh Holmwood.

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    BBC2 pilots interrogation gameshow


    The BBC is launching a new interrogation gameshow, to be fronted by investigative journalist Paul Kenyon, in which contestants have to try to withstand six hours of questioning and keep a secret, writes Leigh Holmwood.

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    BBC1 beefs up daytime current affairs series


    BBC1 has thrown its weight behind current affairs in daytime by commissioning another series from the department behind Britain's Secret Shame, writes Leigh Holmwood.

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    12 Yard pushes gameshow to the limit


    12 yard, the company behind Dog Eat Dogand Without Prejudice?, has come up with a new format that it claims will be the 'toughest gameshow on TV', writes Gavin Stamp.

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    Budapest xchange


    Global financier George Soros and Dr Gro Harlem Brundtland, retiring director general of the World Health Organis-ation, are to address the News Xchange conference in Buda-pest. The event takes place between 6 and 7 November.

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    SMG's profits fall£6m


    SMG today reported a drop in turnover and profits, blaming tough trading conditions in the first half of the year.

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    Ad chief blasts ITV 'monopoly'


    The head of Europe's leading media buying agency has dismissed the significance of the intended Granada, Carlton merger claiming it would do little to affect the ?monopolistic practices? in the way ITV sells advertising, writes Gavin Stamp.

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    BBC2 marks start of Iraq war


    BBC2 is to screen a week of special programmes to mark six months since the beginning of the war in Iraq, writes Leigh Holmwood.

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    Jump London (C4) - Gareth McLean, The Guardian


    ?The middle section of Jump London was a mesmerising bit of television. You could use adjectives like balletic, acr...

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    The Crouches (BBC1) - Jim Shelley, Daily Mirror


    ?There's only one thing more dismaying than the fact that The Crouches is the BBC's first sitcom about a black hous...

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    The Crouches (BBC1) - Charlie Catchpole, Daily Express


    'On the basis of one episode, The Crouches isn't bad. It's just not very good. And it suffers from a weakness that ...

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    The Crouches (BBC1) - Ally Ross, The Sun


    'This is a 'comedy' written, filmed and screened on BBC1 NOT because it's funny. It most certainly isn't. But made ...

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    The Crouches (BBC1) - Gerard O'Donovan, Daily Telegraph


    'The acting was stilted and the dialogue often lame, though at least there was a smattering of good one-liners.'...

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    Fergie to co-host Radio 2 show


    The Duchess of York is preparing to step up to the mic at BBC Radio 2 to co-host the Steve Wright Showand interview a series of celebrities, writes Michael Rosser.

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    Sky+ to scrap monthly charges


    BSkyB is to scrap monthly subscription charges for Sky+, its integrated digibox which allows customers to both view and record satellite services. The existing£10 levy will be waived from 1 October.

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    Suspicion (ITV1) - Thomas Sutcliffe, The Independent


    ?Peter Walley's thriller had e-mail at its heart - and knowingly played with its faintly eerie combination of intim...

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    Suspicion (ITV1) - Nancy Banks-Smith, The Guardian


    ?The discordant soundtrack, migraine set to music, was as exceptionally effective as the dialogue itself was laconi...

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    Suspicion (ITV1) - Jim Shelley, Daily Mirror


    ?It wasn't bad - I've certainly seen worse - but after 90 minutes of watching the first part of Suspicion (ITV), th...