All News articles – Page 4032

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    C4 signs Ferguson


    Channel 4 has signed up Professor Niall Ferguson to make two history series over the next three years. The first will be a follow-up to Ferguson's series Empirein which the historian looks at the subject of US global power. The second series will be a ...

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    Top moves at 3BM


    Factual indie 3BM has promoted director Daniel Korn to managing director as part of

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    Bond joins LBC 97.3


    Former BBC royal correspondent Jennie Bond is set to join the presenter team at news and talk station LBC 97.3FM. Bond will feature as a royal commentator and will stand in for presenters across the schedule from early next year. Another newcomer will be writer and former BBC Radio 5 ...

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    BBC2 sends grown-ups on gap


    BBC2 is to take a different look at the concept of the 'gap year' by following a group of middle-aged people who have decided to take a break from their everyday lives, writes Leigh Holmwood.

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    R2 music histories


    BBC Radio 2 has commissioned two documentaries on the rise of two musical institutions. Hollywood director Cameron Crowe will present 2 x 60-minute documentary Stoned: The History of Rolling Stone Magazine. The programme, produced by indie Ten Alps, will air at 21.00 on 15 and ...

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    BBC1 looks at magic


    BBC1 controller Lorraine Heggessey has jumped on the magic bandwagon by ordering a full series on the secrets behind the tricks from indie Objective, writes Leigh Holmwood.

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    Grounds BBC1 series


    Writer Tony Grounds, creator of the award winning Ray Winstone vehicle Births, Marriages and Deaths, is writing his first drama series for BBC1. The working-titled Family Business, ordered by BBC1 controller Lorraine Heggessey and head of drama commissioning Gareth Neame, aims to put the modern suburban family 'under the microscope ...

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    C4 follows up Operatunity


    Channel 4 is to follow up its successful Operatunityseries with a search for a West End musical star, writes Leigh Holmwood.

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    TWI wins BBC darts contract


    Indie TWI has picked up the contract to produce the BBC's darts coverage for the next year, as part of the corporation's bid to meet its 25% independent production quota, writes Leigh Holmwood.

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    BBC digital curriculum gets green light for 2006 launch


    The BBC's controversial£150m digital curriculum project will finally launch in September 2006, after getting the go-ahead from the European Commission (EC) this week, writes Leigh Holmwood.

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    BBC2 to trace celebrity family trees


    A group of celebrities are to trace their family ancestry for a major BBC2 interactive series, which is being billed as next year's Restoration, writes Leigh Holmwood.

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    Animal Hospital is put to sleep


    The last full series of Animal Hospitalwith Rolf Harris will begin tonight (Wednesday) on BBC1 after 10 years, writes Sam Matthews.

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    Sky hits 7m subscriber target


    Sky Digital today announced it has reached its 7 million subscriber target three months ahead of schedule on the day of the fifth anniversary of the service's launch, writes Rosemary Gallagher.

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    Fox: 'I'm staying at Capital'


    Capital FM's drivetime presenter Neil Fox has cemented his commitment to the station following rumours that he would quit after losing Chris Tarrant's breakfast slot to Johnny Vaughan, writes Michael Rosser.

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    ITV picks up Turkey game


    ITV has bought the rights to show exclusive terrestrial coverage of England's vital Euro 2004 qualifying match against Turkey on Saturday 11 October, writes Paul Revoir.

  • News

    Wife Swap (C4) - James Walton, Daily Telegraph


    'Last night's episode was not only warm-hearted and entertaining, it also appeared genuinely helpful to the couples...

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    Wife Swap (C4) - Charlie Catchpole, Daily Express


    'There was more human drama, laughter and tears in one hour of Wife Swap (C4) than you'd see in a month of soaps.'...

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    Wife Swap (C4) - Gareth McLean, Guardian


    'Wife Swap (Channel 4) is pleasing on many levels and horrendous on many others. Observing the exploits of people y...

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    Wife Swap (C4) - Jim Shelley, Daily Mirror


    'Probably as close as British television gets to Jerry Springer, Wife Swap (Channel 4) returned as gloriously voyeu...

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    Wife Swap (C4) - Joe Joseph, The Times


    'It makes your spirits sag just a little that we need television to show us not, say, how Brunel built the Clifton ...