All News articles – Page 3956
Meridian move to threaten 170 jobs.
Granada is poised to axe up to 170 people at Meridian Television - half the franchise's
Bird flies to Disney
Andy Bird, former president of Turner Broadcasting System (TBS) International, has resurfaced as president of Walt Disney International.
FD tipped to quit Sky
BSkyB finance director Martin Stewart may quit the company in the next few months, according to reports.
NTL sheds 2000
Cable company NTL is to cut its 14,000 strong UK workforce by 2,000 over the next three years as part of an efficiency drive.
The Kennedy Assassination: Beyond Conspiracy (BBC2) - Paul Hoggart, The Times
'The programme was fascinating.' ...
The Kennedy Assassination: Beyond Conspiracy (BBC2) - Rupert Smith, Guardian
'It's rare for a TV show to live up to its own publicity, but last night it happened.'...
Arena: Dylan Thomas - from Cradle to Grave (BBC2) - James Walton, Daily Telegraph
'Arena was essentially an arts documentary of the old school.'...
Matt's Old Masters (C4) - Thomas Sutcliffe, Independent
'Matt's Old Masters is another attempt to bring high culture down a peg or two.'...
Arena: Dylan Thomas - from Cradle to Grave (BBC2) - Robert Gore-Langton, Daily Star
?Thomas died after a drinking bout in Manhattan, from what the doctors called a ?severe insult to the brain,? which...
Sea Monsters (BBC1) - Alun Palmer, Daily Mirror
'Sea Monsters welded Jurassic Park with Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin to make learning fun.'...
Forbidden Fruit (C4) - Christopher Matthew, Daily Mail
'Producer Neil Crombie is to be commended for tackling a thorny topic which, even now is rife with preconceptions a...
Forbidden Fruit (C4) - Paul Hoggart, The Times
'The subject matter may be 'racy' in at least two senses, but this is a generally sober, at times almost po-faced s...
Forbidden Fruit (C4) - James Walton, Daily Telegraph
'Of course, a project like this is fraught with dangers - and last night's documentary by no means avoided all of t...
Daisy Daisy (C4) - Fiona Sturges, Independent
'Will someone please explain to me the point of Daisy Donovan?'...
Daisy, Daisy (C4) - Alun Palmer, Daily Mirror
'Daisy Daisy taps every inch of her [Daisy Donovan] boundless enthusiasm and fondness for filthy double entendres.'...
Horizon (BBC2) - Rupert Smith, Guardian
'Horizon is meant to be a science programme, so why they devoted 50-minutes to the deluded fantasies of those who b...
Holiday Showdown (ITV1) - Simon Edge, Daily Star
'Why do people go on reality TV? In Holiday Showdown the Harrison-Wolffs wanted to see their jolly japes through ot...
SRH swings back into profit
Scottish Radio Holdings, which owns Clyde 1 and Today FM, has swung back into the black after a boost in national advertising revenue.
C4 plumps for Mandela gig
Channel 4 has picked up the terrestrial rights to the gala Aids and HIV awareness pop concert supported by Nelson Mandela.
NUJ and MPs slam Meridian cuts
The National Union of Journalists has teamed up with politicians across the south-east of England to condemn up to 175 job cuts and studio closures announced at Meridian.