All News articles – Page 3947
Bremner, Bird and Fortune: Trust Me, I'm a Prime Minister (C4) - Gareth McLean, Guardian
'It's quite funny sometimes and often bares its teeth. But it's not as funny as it might be, nor as ravenous.'...
Bremner, Bird and Fortune: Trust Me, I'm a Prime Minister (C4) - Robert Gore-Langton, Daily Express and Daily Star
'I realised, watching Bremner, Bird and Fortune just what a lot of po-faced, pious old toot his act had become.'...
Bremner, Bird and Fortune: Trust Me, I'm a Prime Minister (C4) - Peter Paterson, Daily Mail
'The entire package of jokes, sketches, a little song and some hoary political quotations, all intended to hurt, wa...
BBC postpones News 24 relaunch
The BBC's much vaunted relaunch of its News 24 channel has been put back a week following Friday's huge power blackout.
R4 dramatises Mary Poppins
Mary Poppins is to be adapted for radio for the first time as part of BBC Radio 4's winter line-up.
Dyke named York University chancellor
BBC director general Greg Dyke has been made chancellor of York University.
Baker appoints two at Sky One
Sky One controller James Baker has made his first appointments, creating two new acquisitions posts.
The World's Most Powerful - Celebrity (BCB2) - James Walton, Daily Telegraph
'A programme so brain-rottingly vacuous it would surely have been turned down by Sky One, Bravo and possibly even B...
Judge John Deed (BBC1) - Nancy Banks-Smith, Guardian
'Judge John Deed is a class act. Intelligent, articulate and beautiful.'...
Judge John Deed (BBC1) - Paul Hoggart, The Times
'I enjoyed it much more than I exptected to.'...
Judge John Deed (BBC1) - Robert Hanks, Independent
'The agitprop edges are softened and made bearable by the way they are filtered through a storytelling sensibility ...
No 'radical' change for radio process
Ofcom's senior partner for content and competition Kip Meek has said he doesn't expect any 'radical' changes to be made to the system of awarding radio licences.
A New Life Down Under (Channel 4) - Christopher Matthew, Daily Telegraph
'Was it my imagination or did chunks fo the commentary sound as if they had been lifted straight from the tourist o...
A New Life Down Under (Channel 4) - Charlie Catchpole, Daily Express and Daily Star
'Channel 4 has come up with an absolute beaut of an idea - A New Life Down Under, where Brits uproot and move to Au...
The World's Most Powerful - Celebrity (BBC2) - Alun Palmer, Daily Mirror
'This programme was so cheap you could almost hear the producer screaming at the researcher for going by taxi rathe...
Flynn quits BBC Ventures
The chief executive of the BBC Ventures group of commercial companies Roger Flynn has resigned following the BBC's confirmation that it is to sell off its BBC Technology division - exclusively revealed in Broadcastthis week.
TWG seeks£27m from Rajar
The Wireless Group (TWG) chairman Kelvin MacKenzie has revealed he is seeking compensation of£27m from Rajar.
Blurring fact and fiction
While the practice of fusing drama and documentary has its uses, not least in avoiding legal issues, is it part of a ?noble tradition' going back to Grierson or is it just a way of making drama on the cheap? By Peter Keighron
Bodysnatchers (BBC1) - Gareth McLean, Guardian
'Bodysnatchers was stomach-churning, gut-wrenching and toe-curling? Is this what Reithian ideals have come to?'...
Bodysnatchers (BBC1) - Thomas Sutcliffe, Independent
'There were passages of Bodysnatchers that looked like out-takes from a Japanese endurance game show.'...