All News articles – Page 3941

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    Jones calls for tax cut to protect regions


    ITV joint managing director Clive Jones has warned that ITV's regional offering could suffer if the government does not reduce the£250m

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    Working Lunch bullying inquiry launched


    The BBC has launched an investigation into complaints of bullying of staff on its flagship business programme Working Lunch.

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    BBC lines up Widdecombe for boat race


    A group of 18 celebrity Oxbridge alumni are to recreate the famous university boat race for a BBC reality show.

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    Silver to oversee Shine features


    Elisabeth Murdoch's indie, Shine, has poached Talkback head of factual John Silver to head a new features department.

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    Bectu warns BBC tech closure will cost jobs


    Broadcasting union Bectu has warned that up to 350 jobs could be at stake following the BBC's confirmation that it is to sell its commercial BBC Technology arm.

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    Arabic head quits BBC World Service


    The head of the BBC World Service's Arabic service, Gamon McLellan, is to leave the corporation after 11 years in the role.

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    LWT puts The Good Life to test


    LWT factual has been commissioned to make an eight-part series for ITV1, in which families give up their day jobs and live self-sufficient lives in suburbia like Tom and Barbara from classic sitcom The Good Life.

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    Optimistic goes to World's End


    Johnny Vaughan's indie, World's End, has secured a deal to be a key contributor to the portfolio of new digital channels being launched by David Brook's Optimistic Network.

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    Granada's Hunt to leave ITV


    Granada controller of daytime and lifestyle James Hunt is leaving the company to work in the independent sector, after he was left without a role in the ITV merger restructure.

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    BSkyB and ITV in channel talks


    ITV is in talks with BSkyB about launching its spin-off channels as joint-ventures.

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    BBC wins lower price for rugby clips


    The BBC has signed a deal with the International Rugby Board (IRB) to show footage of the Rugby World Cup tournament. Previously the IRB had been asking for£6,500 per minute for footage which the corporation said it was unwilling to pay. The undisclosed new cost is now considered by the ...

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    US dramas at heart of Sky One Winter


    Sky One's winter schedule will feature a range of new US drama including Nip/Tuck, Jake 2.0, Cold Caseand Las Vegas. The channel has also created an entertainment slot for Friday ...

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    The age of dinner sense


    Banning junk food advertising from children's television will only hurt the industry and do nothing for kids' health.

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    BBC/Coke deal outrages rivals


    Commercial radio executives have lashed out at the BBC's decision to promote Coca-Cola during licence-fee funded radio and TV chart shows.

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    BBC unveils winter slate


    A hard hitting and controversial new drama charting how the demonisation of asylum seekers and Islam is feeding the far right in Britain is one of the highlights of BBC1's£177m winter season.

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    Fawlty Towers is nation's favourite


    The British Film Institute has published what it claims is a list of Britain's favourite TV and video clips - with comedy classic Fawlty Towersheading the table.

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    Beckhams head ITV1 Xmas


    ITV1 has unveiled its Christmas line-up headed by an entertainment special based on England's rugby world cup winning team and a documentary about David and Victoria Beckham.

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    Undercover Iran: Inside the Hidden Revolution (C4) - James Walton, Daily Telegraph


    'This was brave stuff - but I do wish that Jane Korkan hadn't kept telling us just how brave it was.'...

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    Robinson quits Disney


    Paul Robinson, managing director of Disney's UK television channels and worldwide head of programming strategy for its US cable network ABC, has quit after five years at the company.

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    C4 to give animal sex tips


    Channel 4 has unveiled a series of science documentaries for 2004, covering topics such as the unanswered mysteries of the universe and the sex life of the animal kingdom.