All News articles – Page 3905
Production - On Location - Playing with firing.
Consultant producer Mob Dar explains the story behind the BBC's gameshow The Sack Race and how the right mix of people and locations was found to bring the concept to life.
Production - Pixel Farm in tie-up.
Digital post-producer the Pixel Farm has announced a partnership with chromakey specialist Reflecmedia. The two companies
Production - Rough Cut - Insurance for the future.
Ray Kilby says it's time for a radical reappraisal of our approach to making programmes for children and young people.
Production - Softimage contest.
Softimage has launched its Student Animation Contest 2004. Top prizes include a production licence of Softimage
In Production - MPC conjures up surreality TV.
Inseparable Bonds is the latest short film from Lars Magnus Holmgren, who won a Turner nomination
Production - Clear cut designer.
Clear Cut Pictures has hired a graphics designer from Sky. Pryce Duncalf came second in the
Production - It's broadcasting, but not as we know it.
You can forget your PVRs, time-shifting programmes and DVDs. In 10 years' time, the world will contain more screens than eyeballs, as Howard Webster reports.
In Production - Oasis gives Feather Boy wings.
Feather Boy is a new kids series from Childsplay TV, which is expected to air on
Production - A bluffer's guide to: Lip Flap.
Although it sounds like it ought to be something you find in back issues of Viz,
In Production - Mainframe brands sitcom battle.
The 12-week battle to decide on Britain's Best Sitcom begins this weekend and, to help the
RATINGS - Sporting archives give BBC cause for celebration.
Thank goodness for end-of-year awards shows. The 50th Sports Personality of the Year, shown on BBC1 on Sunday, had ...
Production - Optex unveils kit.
Optex, which manufactures broadcast equipment, has launched two products. The Digidolly, which is a portable tripod
Production - Flyingscreen to project into new locations.
Flyingscreen is a new tool for the TV industry which enables high-quality large-format projections in previously
Multichannel - Digital TV passes the tipping point.
More than half of viewers in Britain now have digital television and broadcasting's multichannel revolution has truly arrived. But which channels are winning and losing in the digital war for viewers?
Opinion - Comment - News faces the spotlight.
News and current affairs coverage is increasingly a problematic issue for the terrestrials and Ofcom's arrival marks a historic opportunity to reverse the decline, says Steve Clarke.
Opinion - New year, fresh challenge.
After enduring a seasonal schedule of unparalleled torpor, do we have anything to look forward to in the coming year in television?
Interview - Standards bearers.
The all-powerful Ofcom is opening its doors to a deluge of problems. Here, the two men in charge of the 'super-regulator' provide Patrick Barrett with an insight into their philosophy of 'light-touch regulation'.
Production - BBC hires Stewart.
BBC Broadcast has hired Stephen Stewart from the London Playout Centre (LPC) to manage channels in
Production - Image Makers Digital invests heavily in Avid.
Image makers Digital is planning to spend more than£300,000 on Avid kit, writes Sam Espensen.The
Opinion - Peer Poll: The Indie sector in 2004.
Will the codes of practice have a positive impact on indies' business?YES 55%NO 45%Next week's question: