All News articles – Page 3876

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    Channel 4 goes for longer ski run


    Channel 4 is to double the length of its Sunday morning edition of Skiing on 4. The show will now run for one hour from 08.00 each Sunday until the end of the season. The move has been motivated by a recent string of ...

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    Robinson takes 'worst jobs in history' for C4


    Time Team presenter Tony Robinson is to trample woollen cloth barefoot in a bucket of stale urine as part of a new social history series for Channel 4, writes Jon Rogers.

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    Red3 transitions travel time


    Red3, a recently established offshoot of Red Vision, has provided transitional shots for a show within the BBC's Natural World strand called The Amber Time Machine. The film follows David Attenborough as he traces a piece of amber he was ...

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    BBC2 wins three prizes for spy drama


    BBC2 drama Cambridge Spies has won three awards at France's prestigious television festival Fipa, which attracts entries from all over the world. The programme took the silver award for best series, best actor in a series, and best music. It was made by the BBC ...

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    Granada Bristol wins ITV1 orders


    Granada Bristol has won its biggest ever raft of commissions from ITV1 with three series including a reality show in which members of the public are press-ganged into crewing an ocean-going vessel, writes Paul Revoir.

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    Byford to lead review into Kelly decisions


    Acting BBC director general Mark Byford is to personally lead a review into the conduct of BBC staff involved in the Dr David Kelly affair following the stinging criticisms in the Hutton report.

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    Ryder delays Dyke Charter document


    Acting BBC chairman Richard Ryder's decision not to publish the BBC's 2006 Charter renewal proposals represents an unwelcome delay for the corporation.

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    Elstein panel loses another member


    Another TV industry executive has quit the group chaired by David Elstein which is charged with advising the Tory party on BBC Charter review.

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    In the shadow of Dyke: Byford steps forward


    Mark Byford may have moved into Greg Dyke's old job, but he hasn't moved into his office. While he holds the BBC fort in the immediate post-Hutton period, Byford has been conducting business from a small conference room next door to Dyke's former office suite in Broadcasting House. As if ...

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    Sky finance director quits


    BSkyB chief financial officer Martin Stewart has quit the satellite operator after eight years to pursue 'new opportunities'.

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    Powell secures ITV drama brief


    Carlton drama chief Jonathan Powell has secured a role in the new merged Granada programming department, with a brief to develop and executive produce 'high-end' projects.

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    Five dumps Terry and Gaby


    Chris Evans has suffered another humiliating failure, with Five confirming it will axe The Terry and Gaby Show next month.

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    Chrysalis & Capital figures boost radio


    The radio sector is continuing is continuing to show robust signs of recovery with both Capital Radio and Chrysalis reporting a bullish start to the year.

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    Freeview boss for Top-Up TV


    Freeview general manager Matthew Seaman has resigned from the digital terrestrial television operation and is expected to join a new DTT pay-service.

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    Weapons expert 'backs Gilligan claims'


    Former BBC director general Greg Dyke's case against the Hutton report was strengthened today (Wednesday) after a retired senior intelligence official said the government's Iraq weapons dossier was misleading.

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    Faking It (C4) - Charlie Catchpole, Daily Star


    ?Now in its fifth year; this award winning series has lost none of its appeal.?...

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    Faking It (C4) - Alun Palmer, Daily Mirror


    'The toffs versus oiks fireworks failed to materialise.'...

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    Former BBC Worldwide chief jailed


    A former BBC executive has been jailed for 20 months in Hong Kong for taking bribes from agents representing companies that made toys based on characters from children's programmes.

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    Faking It (C4) - Joe Joseph, The Times


    'Faking It has insinuated itself into the vocabulary of television by spawning so many spin-offs.'...

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    Crisis Command: Could You Run the Country? (BBC2) - James Walton, Daily Telegraph


    ?Crisis Command always worked best as a game show with heavy elements of reality TV thrown in.?...