All News articles – Page 1576
7 Wonder wins first C4 commission
Davina McCall is to front 7 Wonder’s first Channel 4 commission – a health-based format combining features and factual elements.
ITV profit soars by 30%
ITV’s pre-tax profits mushroomed by 31% in the first half of 2015, bolstered by another strong performance from its expanding production arm.
4K 4Charity IBC Fun Run open for registration
IBC 2015: Registration for the 4K 4Charity Fun Run at IBC is now open.
PlayBox to launch SocialMediaBox at IBC
IBC 2015: PlayBox Technology will launch the full production version of its browser-based SocialMediaBox application.
New recruits join VFX firm Bait
Cardiff-based VFX and motion graphics company Bait Studio has recruited two new VFX staff.
BBC hunts for virtual reality ideas
The BBC is to invest £100,000 in immersive virtual reality ideas to trial via BBC Taster - its online testing ground for innovative projects.
Ikegami adds to range of broadcast cameras
IBC 2015: Ikegami will demonstrate a new compact HD camera designed for use on remotely controlled pan and tilt heads at IBC in Amsterdam.
Public beta of DaVinci Resolve 12 released
The public beta of version 12 of DaVinci Resolve is now available for download from the Blackmagic Design website.
Ncam intros entry level tracking tech at IBC
IBC 2015: Ncam will launch a new entry-level camera tracking solution at IBC.
Megahertz to showcase leased SNG truck
IBC 2015: Systems integrator Megahertz will showcase a newsgathering truck that was built to an unusual brief on its stand at IBC in September.
Nigel Pickard joins Nevision board
Nigel Pickard has joined the board of drama financiers and producer Nevision after stepping down as chief executive of Zodiak UK Kids and chair of The Foundation last year.
SMPTE to host UHD discussion at IBC
IBC 2015: SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers) will present a technical session on Ultra HD at IBC in September.
Jane Tranter and Julie Gardner launch Bad Wolf in Wales
BBC Worldwide’s US production chiefs Jane Tranter and Julie Gardner will launch their drama indie Bad Wolf next month with backing from the Welsh government.
Sky Arts orders first Amplify projects
Sky Arts has commissioned the first projects from its £1m-per year Amplify initiative.
Audible funds third series of Crackanory
UKTV has agreed a deal with Amazon-owned digital audio service Audible to fund the third series of Crackanory.
Top Gear ‘pikey’ reference cleared for second time
Ofcom has cleared Top Gear over the use of the word “pikey” – just months after the BBC Trust reached the same decision.
Lee Bartlett to leave Discovery
Discovery’s Lee Bartlett is to leave the company five years after joining from ITV.
Sky creates tech hub in Leeds
Sky is establishing a technology base in Leeds which will be focused on developing its next wave of digital products and services.
Barb prepares to publish VoD data
Audience research organisation Barb will publish figures on the level of on-demand and live-streamed viewing for the first time in September.
Sky Italia orders Top Gear remake
BBC Worldwide has struck its first international format deal for Top Gear since the fracas surrounding Jeremy Clarkson – signing an agreement with Italian pay-TV broadcaster Sky Italia.