The merger of video transport firms Nevion and T-Vips has completed.

When the deal was announced in September last year, the companies said that combining would give them “critical mass and increased market presence”.

The T-Vips brand has been ditched in favour of a redesigned Nevion logo.  

Nevion chief executive Geir Bryn-Jensen said: “As broadcast, IT and telecoms technologies converge, the new Nevion will continue to help customers take advantage of this disruptive change in the market.

“We’re influencing the future of media transport and delivery, and enabling emerging business models with integrated solutions for managed media services over IP, optical and terrestrial networks.”

Former T-Vips chief executive Johnny Dolvik joins the company’s management team as chief strategy officer.

Former chief operating officer and chief financial officer Janne Morstøl has taken on the role of chief product and marketing officer.

Chief commercial officer Arnhild Schia will continue in her role, as will existing Nevion management team members Eugene Keane (chief technology officer), Nils Fredriksen (chief finance officer) and Petter Kvaal Djupvik (chief operating officer).