“The DI side is really going great guns,” says Jon Diamond. “Whilst we've gone down the Quantel iQ route we're open to suggestions on how we can make that whole process better and is there any better technologies out there that can improve our workflow and also ultimately gives us better a job and a better result for our customers.”
Diamond would do worse than check out Filmlight but not just on the company's own stand. Over on the Sony stand there will be a working demo of a Baselight Eight system grading 4K in real-time on a Sony SXR rear-projection unit.
Other grading improvements worth following up include:
Digital Vision making real-time 4k colouring available on a SAN. It will also introduce a software based standards converter.
Cintel unveiling a new "X-Speed" Digital Servo system for its Millenium family of scanners which provides vertical and horizontal stability that exceeds that of any other constant motion film transport.
Sony introducing a 42-inch display (the BVM-L420) that is ideal for telecine, color grading and digital intermediate work.
Boxx Technologies showing redBOXX, a product that allows directors, colorists and effects artists to view 4K footage shot with the Red One digital cinema camera at full quality 2K resolution in real time with full debayering, without the need for scanning and transcoding. The redBOXX also doubles as a virtual telecine as it converts the Red One's R3D format into DPX or TIFF at a ratio of 10:1 for 4K to 2K DPX.
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