Most popular and commented – Page 708

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    Diverse to celebrate Peter Pan centenary


    Indie Diverse is making a biography about Peter Pan for BBC1 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the children's literary classic, written by JM Barrie.

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    BBC4 explores Vanity Fair


    Flashback Bristol is to make a film about highbrow celebrity glossy Vanity Fair as part of a series of magazine profiles for BBC4's Profile strand.

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    Wish You Were Here back


    ITV is to bring back its Wish You Were Here...? spin-off for another daytime run.

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    Oxford scientific in Meerkat Manor


    Indie Oxford Scientific Films (OSF) has been commissioned to make a 'soap opera' based on the life of meerkats in the Kalahari Desert. The 13 x 30-minute Meerkat Manor for Animal Planet International will feature the everyday trials and tribulations of meerkat life, such as ...

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    Five hires initial for pop city live


    Five controller of pop features and special events Sham Sandhu has commissioned indie Initial to produce four hours of live coverage of the Pop City Live concert in London. The event, which takes place in London on 14 November, will go out live on Five between 1.40pm and 5.30pm. Chloe ...

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    C4 gives go-ahead for civil war series


    Channel 4 has confirmed a commission for its former director of television Tim Gardam's landmark two-part series about the English Civil War. Mentorn is producing Civil War: Blood on our Hands and Civil War: Regicide for January after getting the ...

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    Imago puts new boy together for C4


    Norwich-based indie Imago Productions is making a one-hour documentary designed to change four teenage boys' lives for Channel 4. New Boy , created and presented by life coach Kate Marlow, takes the four participants away from home for a month and teaches them how to ...

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    Commissioner's Q&A: Jonathan Webb


    The controller of Challenge and Trouble is working on a new poker variation for Challenge and would like to bring out a glossy factual entertainment on winning and losing big

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    RDFR signs first look Cicada deal


    RDF Rights has signed a first-look all-rights deal with factual producer Cicada Films that will see the Wife Swap producer put up development funding.

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    September agrees£550,000 of overseas sales


    September International has picked up around£550,000 worth of overseas sales, including shifting its forthcoming BBC1 commission Kid Camp to four territories.

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    ITV sells Oz media stake


    ITV continued the disposal of its non-core interests this week, selling its 18% investment in Australian media company Village Roadshow for£36m.

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    Contender launches Peppa Pig in US


    Contender Entertainment Group is to launch its pre-school cartoon Peppa Pig in the US after signing a deal with the Cartoon Network. The 52 x 5-minute series, which began on Five and Nick Jr in May, will air weekday mornings on the Turner-owned station from April 2005. Cartoon Network has ...

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    4 Ventures to bring German quizzes to E4


    Channel 4's commercial division, 4 Ventures, has struck a deal with a German broadcaster to trial interactive quiz formats on entertainment channel E4.

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    Cockerell puts Howard in doc


    Tory leader Michael Howard is to be the subject of political documentary-maker Michael Cockerell's next major BBC film after the MP granted him exclusive behind-the-scenes access.

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    Five cuts 7pm news in half


    Five is to slash its 7pm news bulletin to 15 minutes from January after Ofcom agreed to reduce its news output requirement by more than 60 hours a year.

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    UBC confirms C4 venture talks


    UBC Media Group is in advanced discussions with 4 Ventures, the commercial arm of Channel 4, and 19 Management about setting up a joint venture business aimed at exploiting music brands in TV and radio.

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    New management takesover at Viacom


    Leslie Moonves, the chief executive of CBS, and Tom Freston, the chief executive of MTV have taken over from Mel Karmazin, the flamboyant president of MTV-owner Viacom.

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    Earl Spencer to front TV doc


    Princess Diana's brother Earl Spencer has got his first presenting job, fronting a series on the Battle of Blenheim for the History Channel.

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    C4 to chart 14th century misery


    Channel 4 is to air three new factual shows as part of a season for September, which will ask whether the 14 thcentury was the worst time in history to be alive.

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    BBC and ITV vie for Golden Nymphs


    BBC2 drama State of Play and ITV's adaptation of The Mayor of Casterbridge are among the finalists for the Gold Nymph Awards at the 44 thMonte-Carlo Television Festival.