Most popular and commented – Page 690

  • News

    Morph creator Tony Hart dies


    Tony Hart, one of Britain's best loved children's television presenters and the creator of Morph, has died aged 83.

  • News

    Setanta to offer football on demand


    Setanta Sports has launched a VoD service that will make its Premier League matches available for up to a week after they are played.

  • News

    C4 and Five clash over merger plan


    Channel 4 chairman Luke Johnson has claimed a merger with Five would be 'a tragedy' - but RTL Group boss Gerhard Zeiler has insisted it would help secure the future of public service broadcasting.

  • Ratings

    BBC1's Hunter withstands ITV1 pressure


    BBC1's Five Days spin-off Hunter got off to a solid start last night, with 5.4m (20.9% share) tuning in at 9pm.

  • News

    BBC kicks off director of sport search


    Interviews to find the new director of BBC Sport are set to begin this week, firing the starting gun on what appears to be a genuinely open competition.

  • News

    ITV suffers ad revenue downgrade


    ITV's 2009 advertising revenue will fall by as much as 13%, rather than the expected 7% slump, Standard & Poor's has predicted.

  • News

    ITV closes Britannia High


    ITV will not recommission its teen musical drama Britannia High, despite investing heavily in the franchise, after the first season was a ratings flop.

  • News

    Endemol buys Australia's Southern Star


    Endemol has expanded its drama catalogue with the acquisition of Australia's largest TV production and distribution company, Southern Star Group.

  • News

    UKTV agrees Lonely Planet tie-up


    UKTV has inked a deal for BBC Worldwide-owned travel publisher Lonely Planet to sponsor the Adventure & Exploration strand on its soon-to-launch factual channel Eden.

  • News

    Calon plans animation with Osmonds singer


    Calon TV, the indie behind Five and S4C children's show Hana's Helpline, is developing an animated project with the lead singer of The Osmonds.

  • News

    Virgin Media mulls UK listing


    Virgin Media is considering de-listing from New York's NASDAQ stock exchange and switching to the FTSE in London.

  • News

    Sky Arts plans backstage opera simulcast


    Sky Arts has teamed up with the English National Opera to simulcast Puccini's classic opera La bohème from both sides of the curtain.

  • News

    Sony ready for BVE showcase


    Sony will use Broadcast Video Expo (BVE) to launch a compact point-of-view HD camera and to show off its latest tapeless and hybrid camcorders.

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    BBC delays voluntary redundancy letters


    The BBC will not speak to staff until divisions have met with the unions.

  • News

    Blog: Generals at War - a new kind of CGI


    How Leesa Rumley, producer/director of Generals at War, used CGI and digital cut out characters to bring World War Two to life.

  • Ratings

    C4's Big Chef attracts a tasty 3.1m


    Channel 4's Big Chef Takes On Little Chef served up a ratings treat last night at 9pm, as 3.1m viewers (12.8%) tuned in.

  • News

    Brooke leaves Discovery UK


    Discovery Networks UK managing director Dan Brooke is leaving the broadcaster after four years.

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    BBC streams Electric Proms


    BBC Radio will provide video streaming of the Electric Proms and the London Jazz Festival in the next month.

  • News

    BBC foreign news overspend hits£1.2m


    The BBC's foreign news overspend has climbed to£1.2m because of the struggling pound and a continuing spate of major news stories overseas.

  • News

    DS Nitris editor joins The Joint


    The Joint has recruited editor Jeffrey May to drive its Avid DS Nitris Suite.