Most popular and commented – Page 338

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    Supersize audience for Spurlock doc


    The critically acclaimed documentary Super Size Metempted many viewers last night, pulling in over 4 million for Channel 4.

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    Living TV 'i-ads' lure rival viewers


    Living TV has launched an interactive ad campaign that gives viewers on other channels access footage from its key summer shows.

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    BBC election night gets virtual reality treatment


    The BBC is making a last-ditch attempt to fight election apathy among viewers, drafting in sports coverage experts and unveiling a virtual reality election night set.

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    Promax UK has developed a new event aimed at television marketing executives which will take place in early October in London. The Promax UK Summit 2001 will be a one-day forum

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    ITV waits on marketing messiah


    After months of rumour as to where Jim Hytner would rock up next, the Channel 5 director of marketing has finally chosen what must be one of the most challenging jobs

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    Doubting Thomas of iTV


    Katherine Everett: an apology. A number of months ago - maybe even a year ago, Katherine Everett, head of interactive services at the BBC assured me that I was premature to

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    TRADE TALK - Regional service


    Ex-BBC Manchester northern light Emma Westcott is planning to use her north-west contacts to implement Channel 4's new regional strategy.

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    TRADE TALK - IN MY VIEW - Samir Shah, managing director of Juniper


    On the thorny issues that surround media coverage of the recent riots in Oldham.

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    TRADE TALK - On the Box - Game, set, downpour


    ITV controller of news and current affairs Steve Anderson found Wimbledon 2001 a damp squib while Party in the Park rocked.

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    NEWS ANALYSIS - Shooting blanks?


    The corporate restructure can often be a painfully costly and futile exercise that culls staff and prompts mass insecurity among those that are left. But they are a fact of life for broadcasters in the 21st century.

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    FORMAT REVIVAL - Raiders of the archive


    Dusting down old programmes and revamping them for a modern audience might appear to be an easy means of locking audiences into an established brand, but it is not necessarily cheap or easy, nor is it always foolproof.

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    Angelfish goes into Overdrive


    Angelfish has created a series of promos for MTV's 2007 line-up and for its new broadband channel MTV Overdrive.

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    INTERVIEW - Static in motion


    Having sold the iTV firm he founded in 1997 to OpenTV for£42m, Jasper Smith reckons the key to success in interactive is adding value by pushing for content that's as entertaining as it is innovative.

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    INDIE FINANCE - Cautious strides for Scottish Indie


    Slow but meaningful growth is now prompting Ideal World to venture beyond factual programming into new areas as it nurtures its film subsidiary, moves into rights ownership and sets up an online presence. Ed Shelton reports.

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    TX - Filming on a shoestring


    The documentary on the training shoe, Sneaker Freaks, pits drum'n'bass artist Goldie against novelist Will Self. Goldie is a trainer fan whereas novelist Self finds himself nonplussed by fans of

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    Viewers still flocking to the Big Brother House


    With Wimbledon only a week away, Big Brother continued to dominate the minority Top 30, enabling Channel 4 to hold its primetime share above nine per cent for the third week

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    Sherbet titles teen series


    Animation studio Sherbet has completed the title sequence for Love Productions' new BBC3 series, The Baby Borrowers.

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    OFF THE RECORD - Foot in mouth


    Maybe it was as much of a surprise to him as it was to us when World Service director Mark Byford was singled out at the BBC annual report launch to

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    OFF THE RECORD - Viewing family


    As we count down the days to this year's Edinburgh TV Festival, try not to get too over excited about a 'marketing makeovers' session in which four teams representing the BBC,

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    OFF THE RECORD - Fantastic formats


    Thanks to the sick ideas of our readers Broadcast is now the proud co-rights owner of the sickest reality format hits of the future. We're just seeking a broadcaster for this