Most popular and commented – Page 311
Hustle convinces 6.4m
The return of BBC1's slick drama series Hustlewas welcomed back by the viewers with a peak audience of 6.4 million (27%) at the beginning.
BBC governors back Springer screening
The BBC was right to screen Jerry Springer - The Opera, say BBC governors who have voted against upholding a record 63,000 complaints about the programme.
ITV and C4 win Freeview slots.
ITV and Channel 4 have bagged Crown Castle's two vacant Freeview slots, writes Susan Thompson.
Unions fight back against BBC cuts.
The BBC faces a showdown with angry unions over its latest round of job cuts, which
Comment - Benefit of the doubt.
Thompson's swingeing cuts at the BBC are attracting a great deal of flak, but in the long-term he may yet be vindicated, says Conor Dignam, Editor.
Willis defends BBC in-house.
John Willis, one of the BBC's most senior programme executives, has warned that the rise of
Regions suffer most in cuts.
BBC staff outside London have been the hardest hit by this week's redundancies with hundreds of staff facing the axe, writes Geoff White.
Ex-Sky trio launch Poker Channel.
Three former Sky executives have launched the UK's first television channel dedicated to poker, writes Susan Thompson.
£600k bonus for ITV's Allen.
ITV chief executive Charles Allen has landed a£600,000 share award after turning in better than expected profits, writes Paul Revoir.
Politics Special: Analysis - Adding mischief to politics.
Profile - Rather than vie with the BBC and ITV over coverage of the general election, Channel 4 commissioner for news Mark Rubens is taking a more inventive approach.
Politics Special: Analysis - Caught in the crossfire.
Nicholas O'Dwyer is moved by the human story behind the headlines dramatised in The Government Inspector, and beguiled by BBC3's rollicking Casanova.
Politics Special: Analysis - Losing the youth vote.
Whether it's producing Question Time for kids or putting presenters in parkas, broadcasters' attempts to get young people turned on to politics have more chance of winning awards than viewers, says Sam Delaney.
Politics Special: Election fever.
With the election date all but named, what tricks do the broadcasters have up their sleeves to convince a jaded electorate that their coverage will be worth tuning into?
Politics Special: Opinion - In my View - A real election pledge.
Broadcasters seem to have forgotten the definition of news in the onslaught from political spin doctors says Jeff Anderson.
Politics Special: Opinion - Comment - Moving out of neutral.
Right-wing America is forcing a rethink of 'mainstream' media reporting with its mass defection to Fox News - a trend which the UK should not ignore, says Peter Glover.
Horribly Wright - Only nuts write letters.
Broadcasters would welcome constructive critics but all they seem to get is 'angry of Tunbridge Wells' says Steven D Wright.
Politics Special: Gilligan's top 10 political bust-ups.
we had no policy differences with the Prime Minister. A floundering Francine Stock claimed that Mrs
Ratings - Something to chew on in Jamie's School Dinners.
Simpsons Thu 18.00 3.06 16.19 1.81 15.63
Unions warn of strike action over BBC cuts
Unions have warned the BBC that it could face strikes within weeks if it does not meet their demands on proposed job cuts.
Paice quits Sky to go solo
Sky One head of factual programmes Matthew Paice, the commissioner behind the channel's award-winning series Brainiac, has left with no job to go to.