More News – Page 3895
MPs savage BBC annual report
A furious bust-up with Labour MPs, accusations of bias and the Daily Mail up in arms. It was just another week for BBC director general Greg Dyke and his chairman, Gavyn Davies, as they unveiled this year's annual report, writes John Plunkett
ABC pulls out of Boys and Girls deal
US network ABC has delivered a further blow to Chris Evans by axing plans to make his dating show flop Boys and Girls, less than a month after Channel 4 ruled out a second series, writes Penny Hughes
Premier League rethinks rights
The Premier League has re-drawn the tender document for TV rights to Premiership football between 2004 and 2007, pu...
?Faking my kidnap was a really stupid thing for a TV crew to do'
Kylie Minogue slams Channel 4 stunt ...
We got Dr Kelly on tape? BBC
Pressure on the government mounted again yesterday after it was confirmed the BBC has a tape of an interview with D...
Security watchdog ?told MoD to publicise' BBC source
Downing Street and the Ministry of Defence are to tell Lord Hutton's inquiry into the death of David Kelly that the...
BBC and Blair face trial by television
The judicial inquiry into the death of Dr David Kelly, the MoD scientist at the centre of the furious row between the BBC and government, could be screened live on television.
No 10 insists Kelly tape backs its case against the BBC
The Government will tell the enquiry into the death of David Kelly that a tape recording of him - which was purport...
Minister criticises BBC over asylum shows
Another row blew up between the government and the BBC yesterday after a Home Office minister accused the corporati...
TV cave girl rescue
Student Laura Trowbridge was rescued from a 27 hour ordeal trapped underground testerday when a TV adventure progra...
US bill blocks TV plans
The US House of Representatives yesterday passed abill that thwarts federal plans to allow major US broadcasters to...
Why radio 1 should wake up to the thrilling richness of British music
I was astonished by BBC Radio 1 station controller Andy Parfitt's remark last week that 'around 30 per cent of arti...
BBC has doctor's weapons worries on tape
The BBC has revealed it has a tape of Dr David Kelly criticising the Government over its Iraq arms dossier. ...
This BBC row is not about sources - it is about power
What a difference a day makes. The daily skirmishes between the government and BBC have seen both sides at various ...
Our tape shows Dr Kelly slated Blair says BBC
The BBC said yesterday it can prove weapons expert David Kelly believed that Tony Blair exaggerated the case for wa...
Sunrise set on mean country
Sunrise Radio, which broadcasts to Asian communities across Britain, is close to buying the Mean Country station in...
Blunkett savages BBC in asylum row
The home secretary, David Blunkett, today launches an outspoken attack on the BBC, accusing it of playing into the ...
Fame Academy hits tech snag
The second series of the BBC's multimillion pound reality TV show Fame Academywill air for the first time tomorrow night (26 July) despite suffering serious technical difficulties during pre-production, writes Sam Espensen.
Sanctuary opens in Frith Street
London facilities house Sanctuary Post has moved into new premises in Frith Street and added audio mixing and track-laying to its DVD authoring and video editing/compositing activities, writes Kevin Hilton.
Framestore CFC and The Mill vie for Sfx Emmy
Visual-effects giants Framestore CFC and The Mill will battle it out for the outstanding special visual effects for a miniseries, movie or a special award at this year's Emmy Awards in the US, writes Will Strauss.