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C4 in Prix Italia wins
Opera has proved a hit for Channel 4 which scooped two awards at the prestigious Prix Italia for its arts output, writes Mike Rosser.
Margery and Gladys (ITV1) - Nancy Banks-Smith, Guardian
'Margery and Gladys was a two hour scamper intended to apppeal to the older woman. No nudity and no teeth needed.' ...
Margery and Gladys (ITV1) - Gerard O'Donovan
'Too witless to be classed as farce, it toppled instead into pantomime as cliche and stereotype embraced like a lon...
Margery and Gladys (ITV1) - Paul Hoggart, The Times
'I enjoyed Margery and Gladys for its daft editing touches of surreal humour and daft parallels with Thelma and Lou...
Margery and Gladys (ITV1) - Peter Paterson, Daily Mail
'Perhaps it wasn't quite so hilarious as its cast clearly thought it was, but last night's one-off comedy drama, Ma...
Arena: Imagine, Imagine (BBC2) - Thomas Sutcliffe, Independent
'Other programmes are told to get on with it and spit it out, but Arena seems to be able to chunter on its heart's ...
Arena: Imagine Imagine (BBC2) - Robert Gore Langton, Daily Express
'It was all unbelievably pretentious and naff. Broadcaster Robert Elms was the only breath of fresh air. He really,...
RI:SE gets the chop
Channel 4 is to axe its ailing breakfast show RI:SE after just 20 months on air, following months of speculation about the future of the show, which replaced the Big Breakfast, writes Paul Revoir
Allen softens line on sales house spin-off
Granada chairman Charles Allen has given the first indication that he is prepared to accept selling off ITV's sales houses as the price for getting approval for his company's merger with Carlton, writes Paul Revoir.
Rageh criticises coverage of war in Iraq
BBC News correspondent Rageh Omaar has claimed that 'iconic' images of the toppled statue of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein during the war may have 'confused' and 'misrepresented' the real story of the conflict, writes Paul Revoir.
7.2million tune into Canterbury Tales
BBC1's modern adaptation of Chaucer's Wife of Bath starring Julie Walters attracted an impressive 7.2million viewers with a 31.3% audience share, writes Sam Matthews
Jowell promises wide ranging review of BBC
Media secretary Tessa Jowell has heralded the most exhaustive and wide ranging review of the BBC ever after she announced her plans for the build-up to charter renewal in 2006, writes Paul Revoir
Hewitt to announce merger plans
Trade and Industry Secretary Patricia Hewitt is planning to announce her decision on the proposed ITV merger in the week beginning October 6, writes Paul Revoir.
Canterbury Tales (BBC1) - Paul Hoggart, The Times
'It was a clever, wittily scripted solution that probably kept much closer to the spirit of Chaucer than a mechanic...
Canterbury Tales (BBC1) - Gerard 'Donovan, Daily Telegraph
'After getting off to a rollicking if slightly shaky start last week, Canterbury Tales romped home with an absolute...
Canterbury Tales (BBC1) - Nancy Banks-Smith, Guardian
'Around now i got that clutch of relief in the stomach which translates as, 'Thank God, I'm going to like this one....
French Leave (C4) - Jim Shelley, Daily Mirror
'French leave must be Channel 4's idea of the perfect programme. Property abroad meets cooking - nirvana!'...
French Leave (C4) - Charlie Catchpole, Daily Star
'Just one reservation. Eked out over 10 weeks, this could be pretty thin fare.'...
Grade joins TV Corp board
Former Channel 4 chief executive Michael Grade is to join the board of Robot Warsmaker Television Corporation, writes Leigh Holmwood.
Molinare sold for£10
Struggling facility Molinare, the post arm of The TV Corporation, has been bought in an MBO for just£10, writes Sam Espensen.