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Wife Swap (C4) - James Walton, Daily Telegraph
'Last night's episode was not only warm-hearted and entertaining, it also appeared genuinely helpful to the couples...
Wife Swap (C4) - Charlie Catchpole, Daily Express
'There was more human drama, laughter and tears in one hour of Wife Swap (C4) than you'd see in a month of soaps.'...
Wife Swap (C4) - Gareth McLean, Guardian
'Wife Swap (Channel 4) is pleasing on many levels and horrendous on many others. Observing the exploits of people y...
Wife Swap (C4) - Jim Shelley, Daily Mirror
'Probably as close as British television gets to Jerry Springer, Wife Swap (Channel 4) returned as gloriously voyeu...
Wife Swap (C4) - Joe Joseph, The Times
'It makes your spirits sag just a little that we need television to show us not, say, how Brunel built the Clifton ...
Wife Swap (C4) - Thomas Sutcliffe, Independent
'I think it might be pushing it to describe Wife Swap (Channel 4) as Socratic television, but it has certainly brou...
BBC America dumps EastEnders
The BBC's commercial US channel BBC America has been inundated with complaints following its decision to axe EastEnders, writes Leigh Holmwood.
Vaughan takes Tarrant Capital slot
Capital Radio has signed former Big Breakfast presenter Johnny Vaughan to take over the breakfast show when Chris Tarrant hangs up his headphones at the end of the year, writes Michael Rosser.
Jowell challenges BBC critics
Media Secretary Tessa Jowell has challenged critics of the BBC's licence fee to come forward with a credible alternative, writes David Rose.
Sky News rapped over crash footage
Sky News has been reprimanded by the Broadcasting Standards Commission (BSC) for repeatedly screening 'insensitive' and 'gratuitous' footage of a plane crashing at an air show, writes Sam Matthews.
Eastenders (BBC1) - Thomas Sutcliffe, Independent
'I must say he [Den] was looking remarkably well for a man who'd spent a decade at the bottom of a canal.'...
Eastenders (BBC1) - Paul Hoggart, The Times
'First Den returns. Now incest? It's hard to say whether EastEnders (BBC1) is just looking to shock, or seeking a s...
Family (ITV1) - Gareth McLean, Guardian
'Despite the presence of Martin Kemp, Family (ITV1) isn't quite as dreadful as you might imagine.'...
Family (ITV1) - Jim Shelley, Daily Mirror
'Part one was well-written, well-cast and well-acted. The direction and photography suggested the production is pre...
Family (ITV1) - James Walton, Daily Telegraph
'ITV1's Family sets out to combine American mafia with Minder-style Cockney drama. After the opening episode, the c...
Family (ITV1) - Charlie Catchpole, Daily Star
'Family shamelessly rips off The Sopranos format without any of the subtlety and wit of that terrific series.' ...
ITV star turns BBC director
Actress Sarah Lancashire - one of ITV's most bankable drama stars - is to make her directorial debut on the BBC, writes Leigh Holmwood.
BB Sweden rapped for pre-watershed sex
The Independent Television Commission (ITC) has rapped Swedish channel Kanal 5 for broadcasting racy antics on its version of Big Brotherbefore the watershed, writes Michael Rosser.
Willoughby quits Chrysalis
One of Chrysalis TV Group's most senior executives has quit the company, less than a month after it was taken over by the management team led by former Granada chief executive Steve Morrison, writes Colin Robertson.
Sky to hit 7 million target 3 months early
BSkyB is expected to announce it has reached the 7 million subscriber mark this week - three months ahead of schedule.