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    There's no future in filth


    Even the terrestrials have sunk to new depths in their use of sex, horror and violence to get eyeballs and instant tabloid coverage, but it doesn't have to be this way, argues Jeff Henry

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    R1's audience falls to new all time low


    Troubled BBC Radio 1 has seen its audience dip further below the key 10 million listener mark to a new all time low, figures from radio audience board Rajar have shown, writes Leigh Holmwood.

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    Indian Dream (BBC2) - James Walton, Daily Telegraph


    'In 2001 Avie Luthra won the Dennis Potter Award for young writers. Yet, faced with a similar subject, Potter himse...

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    Indian Dream (BBC2) - Peter Paterson, Daily Mail


    'Luthra's sometimes charmingly amateurish award-winning script delivered a strange mix of messages about attitudes ...

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    Indian Dream (BBC2) - Gareth McLean, Guardian


    'An Occasion drama is not to be confused with an Event piece of television. That is something else entirely.'...

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    Indian Dream (BBC2) - Thomas Sutcliffe, Independent


    'What began as a cultural comedy of manners tried to twist itself into an ethnic sensitivity lesson halfway through...

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    Teachers (C4) - Alun Palmer, Daily Mirror


    'The winter months are going to be very cold indeed without Teachers (C4) to keep us company.'...

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    Sex Rules (C4) - Joe Joseph, The Times


    'Sex Rules follows Pornography: The Musical. Like some priapic Lothario, Channel 4 seems increasingly undiscriminat...

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    Shine man to run mint belfast operation


    Irish indie Mint Productions has poached Shine editor of lifestyle and features Jezz Wright to run its Belfast office. Wright, a former deputy editor of Five News, will initially oversee a 60-minute documentary for BBC4 tracking the rise and fall of car manufacturer DeLorean. He will also be charged with ...

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    Five hands dinnage scheduling duties


    Five strategic planning director Susanna Dinnage has been promoted to schedules and planning director. She will take over the scheduling duties of Ashley Hill, who currently has the title of director of broadcasting which is to be dropped when he retires in the new year after six years at the ...

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    Abramsky: radio must go digital


    The BBC's director of radio and music, Jenny Abramsky, has warned that the future of radio is at stake unless it goes digital, even if it means a drop in audience share for the BBC, writes Michael Rosser.

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    BBC news comes bottom of poll on Iraq


    Viewers regarded the BBC's coverage of the war in Iraq as less objective than its commercial rivals, according to new research from the Independent Television Commission (ITC), writes Paul Revoir.

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    BBC boosts docs with young director strand


    The BBC is to launch a new documentary strand for young film-makers, writes Leigh Holmwood.

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    ITN to axe 40 news posts


    ITN is to look across its operation for up to 40 jobs cuts, following confirmation that it is to take over London's ITV regional news from the Carlton and Granada-owned London News Network (LNN), writes Leigh Holmwood.

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    Initial to produce Mandela's aids awareness concert


    Initial, the music entertainment and live event arm of Endemol, is to produce a major Aids and HIV awareness pop concert, supported by Nelson Mandela, to be broadcast globally by MTV. The concert, featuring artists such as Beyonce, Ms Dynamite, Bono and the Eurythmics, is being recorded by Initial in ...

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    Teddington puts£2m into studios


    Teddington Studios is benefiting from more than£2m of investment on equipment and refurbishment in the next stage of its expansion, writes Sam Espensen.

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    BBC Broadcast stands by Quantel decision


    BBC Broadcast's head of technology, Chris Howe, has justified installing Quantel systems in its new broadcast centre despite technical hiccups, writes Sam Espensen.

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    VMI Broadcast expands into HD kit hire


    VMI Broadcast has announced that it is expanding into HD with an investment of£850,000 in equipment, a move which it claimed makes it the biggest HD hire specialist in the UK, writes Sam Espensen.

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    Pepper posts drying-out drama


    Comfortably Numb is a 75-minute docu-drama for Channel 4 about recovering alcoholics in a clinic. Produced by Kudos and written and directed by Leo Regan, the programme was posted at Pepper. The decision to shoot with DV was made to give it a realistic, documentary feel, so post supervisor Jethro ...

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    Halloween toon show quizzes kids


    Cartoon Network is running a live-animation interactive quiz over Halloween. Skatoony Spooky invites kids to ring up and speak to animated quizmasters who will respond live on air. Created and produced in-house by director/animator James Fox, the show is billed as a cross between Las Vegas glitz and a US ...