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    Allen's tough sell


    'Things can only get better' is the underlying theme of the interview with ITV chief executive designate Charles Allen, who promises that the bad old dysfunctional days of ITV are in the past. He would probably have a hard job selling that upbeat message to staff at Meridian who this ...

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    Granada Factual's Sasha Jeffrey dies


    Granada Factual series producer and editor Sasha Jeffrey has died suddenly after a battle against illness. The 35-year-old most recently worked on the casting of the next run of I'm a Celebrity? Get me out of Here!- a role she held on the last ...

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    Rugby cup final set for record ad cash


    Media buyers are predicting that Saturday's (25 November) Rugby World Cup final between England and host Australia will generate the most expensive ads ever seen in a breakfast slot on British television. The first pre-match break is expected to yield ITV around£210,000 - 10 times the amount GMTV would normally ...

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    Ten Alps unveils major expansion plan


    Bob Geldof's indie Ten Alps Communications has again said it has major acquisition opportunities in sight and will focus on sealing deals in the next six months. Chairman Brian Walden made the assertion as he unveiled a rise in pre-tax profits for the six months to the end of September ...

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    Ofcom seeks public view on airwaves


    Ofcom has launched a public consultation on plans to revolutionise the way airwaves that transmit radio, television and mobile phone signals are allocated. Historically, the airwaves have been controlled by the Radiocommunications Agency, but under plans in the Communications Act, licences will become available to be bought and sold. Ofcom ...

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    Liquid news Staff to be redeployed


    BBC News has said it aims to redeploy all the 40 staff who currently work on BBC3's flagship entertainment news programme Liquid Newsafter it was axed last week by controller Stuart Murphy. The four-year-old show will end in the spring after Murphy said it had ...

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    Meridian move to threaten 170 jobs


    Granada is poised to axe up to 170 people at Meridian Television - half the franchise's staff - as part of a dramatic consolidation tied in with the broadcaster's move to new headquarters.

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    BBC chiefs look at making a move up north


    The BBC is considering moving one of its national channels to Manchester in a bid to head off accusations that it is too London-centric.

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    Mark Sharman makes sudden exit from Sky


    Sky Networks deputy managing director Mark Sharman has suddenly quit after four years to return to programme-making.

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    Channel 4 Christmas line-up


    Channel 4 is to air a live broadcast from Mars and three animated Oscar Wilde children's stories as part of its 2004 Christmas schedule.

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    Capital builds clout with Choice FM deal


    Capital Radio has struck a deal worth up to£14m to buy the remaining stake in Choice FM it does not own.

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    FX aims for older men


    FX, the new Fox entertainment channel set to launch in the UK on 12 January, has signed a licensing deal with Five for multichannel rights to its hit US import The Shield.

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    September looks to Mancunian talent


    Indie September Films is set to open an office in Manchester in a bid to expand its production business and exploit regional talent.

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    Sky brings in horoscopes and themes


    Sky One is developing a major daytime show - a daily interactive astrology series featuring celebrity stargazer Russell Grant.

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    Adler and Good leave key Channel 4 posts


    Channel 4 head of interactive TV Peter Good and editor, features Ben Adler have become the latest members of staff to leave the station.

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    SMG launches legal bid to stop 'hijack'


    SMG has launched a legal bid to stop Carlton and Granada 'hijacking' the ITV name for their merged company.

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    Flextech faces legal fight with Christian group


    Flextech will appear at the High Court this week to face a multimillion pound claim for damages from Christian broadcaster UK Network Sales (UKNS) after a carriage deal between the two broke down in the late 1990s.

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    Capital takes over Choice


    Capital Radio has struck a deal worth£11.7m to acquire the remaining stake in Choice FM.

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    Granada Manchester ups sticks


    Granada Television has hit back at claims that it is scaling down its Manchester operation after it was revealed that it is planning to move out of its historic Quay Street building into a warehouse on the same site.

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    ITV minnow SMG takes Carlton and Granada to court


    ITV minority shareholder SMG yesterday took Carlton and Granada to court to stop them using the ITV name for their merged company.