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Inside the Mind of Frank Bruno (C4) - James Walton, Daily Telegraph
'Its tone sobered up and what unfolded was essentially a classic boxing tale.'...
Inside the Mind of Frank Bruno (C4) - Rupert Smith, Guardian
'Inside the mind of Frank Bruno was anything but. We learned nothing of Bruno's mental state?'...
Inside the Mind of Frank Bruno (C4) - Robert Hanks, Independent
'While not the initmate psychological portrait the title seemed to promise, [it] was an absorbing run-through of hi...
Horizon: Percy Pilcher's Flying Machine (BBC2) - Peter Paterson, Daily Mail
'For me, a would-be Percy, the programme was as instructive as it was entertaining.'...
Bedsitcom (C4) - Paul Hoggart, The Times
'Here was a show that seemed to have nothing to recommend it whatsoever.' ...
EastEnders (BBC1) - Alun Palmer, Daily Mirror
'This was strong stuff, especially for 19.30.'...
Jowell kicks off BBC Charter review
Media secretary Tessa Jowell has kicked off the BBC Charter renewal process, launching a major public consultation on the future of the corporation.
Ofcom appoints chief economist
Ofcom has made its latest key appointment in the run-up to its official establishment on 29 December with Dr. Helen Weeds being brought in as chief economist.
ITV's taxing question
ITV's regional programming could be ?impossible' if the government does not reduce the supertax imposed on the broadcaster. That was the message from its managing director, but did anyone listen? Peter Keighron reports.
Every Picture Tells a Story (Five) - Robert Hanks, Independent
'The programme had a brisk energy and a winning sense that, even when you're talking twaddle about it, art matters....
Every Picture Tells a Story (Five) - Joe Joseph, The Times
'Waldemar Januszczak's new series adds another dash fo seasoning to Five's not always nourishing schedule.' ...
Every Picture Tells a Story (Five) - Peter Paterson, Daily Mail
'Who would have thought that Five (so achingly trendy they've dropped Channel from their title) would become the be...
Innovation Nation (BBC1) - James Walton, Daily Telegraph
'The ironic trouble is that, as a spectacle, the series could do with a spot of inventiveness.'...
Bodysnatchers (BBC1) - Rupert Smith, Guardian
'Bodysnatchers was of a new genre with which we are now familiar, the medical documentary as horror film.'...
UK firms develop virtual pop star
The first ever virtual soul singer has been created and a virtual band is just round the corner, according to the makers of a new piece of music software, writes Sam Espensen.
McMillan sinks with 140 job losses
Barely a month after going into receivership, equipment supplier McMillan has ceased trading with the loss of 140 jobs and debts thought to be close to£2m.
Mezzo enjoys 50% increase in turnover
Leeds-based post and production company Mezzo has announced a rise in turnover of more than 50% during the past year. Mezzo founder Mark Platt believes the purchase of a Quantel eQ editing system helped raise profits.
Approvals online
Salt has launched an online system called Approvals, which automates the provision of remote approvals for work-in-progress and back catalogue at post-production companies and VFX studios. It allows clients to review, download, annotate and search their content and can be branded for an individual post house. Approvals can also be ...
HD sales up 162%
Sales of Discreet HD systems worldwide are 162% higher than last year, according to the editing and effects products manufacturer. It also said nearly two-thirds of Discreet systems sold in quarter three of this year were HD version of Smoke, Inferno, Flame and Fire. Discreet spokesman Marc Petit said 'quality ...
VTR in staff swap
Big Buoy Post Production is doing a staff swap with VTR. Big Buoy facility manager Kate Sturgess joins VTR as facility director, while Sawsan Farhan - who was head of new business leaves VTR to join Big Buoy as facility manager. Big Buoy's Jon Hurst commented: 'Kate joined us from ...