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    Granada's allsop to head Teve media


    Former Granada executive Malcolm Allsop has been appointed creative director of newly formed production company TeVe Media Group. The group has been created by pulling together six media and music units, which includes Granada's Dutch production partner, TeVe Holland, and TeVe Company in Belgium, together with facility company TeVe Studio.

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    Uden goes into administration


    Indie uden Associates has been forced into administration after 22 years of programme making owing to 'unsustainable debts'.

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    Wilde takes entertainment post at Hat Trick


    Leon Wilde, co-devisor and producer of Granada's Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway , has been poached by Hat Trick Productions to become its head of entertainment.

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    Oneword cuts all staff jobs


    The entire full-time staff of digital radio station Oneword - twice winner of the Sony digital station of the year - have been made redundant ahead of a major restructure.

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    Schoonmaker looks at work outside radio


    Tim Schoonmaker, Emap's radio chief who quit suddenly last week after 20 years, is looking to broaden his skills base outside radio and is talking to venture capitalists and 'multinational corporations' about his next move.

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    Thames drama boost


    Thames Television head of drama Paul Marquess has made two key drama appointments for The Bill and Murder Investigation Team. Claire Philips, most recently a producer on Carlton's Sweet Medicine , becomes series producer ...

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    Howie moves to UKTV


    UKTV has appointed Diana Howie as editorial executive to develop event-based programmes for the network's entertainment and drama channels. She joins from indie Cactus TV, where she worked as a senior executive producer. Reporting to UKTV head of entertainment and drama Matt Tombs, she will oversee commissioning of programming stunts ...

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    TWG ups DRG stake


    The Wireless Group is to increase its stake in DRG, owner of the London III digital multiplex, to 33.58%. The company is talking to Matsushita Electric Europe about acquiring its 10% interest. TWG also has an 80.5% stake in the London II licence, held by SwitchDigital.

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    Early Doors to return for second series


    Royle Family writer Craig Cash's acclaimed BBC2 comedy series Early Doors has been commissioned for a second run, writes Leigh Holmwood.

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    Liquid assets to run to another series


    BBC3 controller Stuart Murphy has commissioned a further run of Liquid Assets. The new 6 x 60-minute series, which is expected to air in late spring, will be expanded to look at the finances of movie stars as well as pop singers. Among those slated to be examined are the ...

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    Peep show to pop up again later in year


    Objective Productions' Channel 4 sitcom Peep Show has been commissioned for a second series. The show, written by Jesse Armstrong and Sam Bain, will return later this year. Ordered by C4 commissioning editor Iain Morris it will be executive produced by Andrew O'Connor.

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    Talent TV tests kids' loyalties for CBBC


    Indie Talent TV is making a CBBC factual entertainment series in which kids' friendships are put to the test. The 15 x 30-minute Best of Friends , commissioned by CBBC head of entertainment Anne Gilchrist, will feature teams of five friends aged between 10 and ...

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    Kitchen detective on way to discovery


    Discovery Health channel director Clare Laycock has ordered Kitchen Detective , a 10 x 30-minutes series from Twofour Productions, part-funded by the British Heart Foundation. The show sees a top nutritionist giving advice about diets. Katie Taylor is producer and Steve Grizell is executive producer.

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    Foregone conclusions


    We are promised a radical review of PSB, but there are signs that the status quo will largely survive the process.

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    Mcdonald gets ITV news editorial role


    Newsreader Sir Trevor McDonald has been made associate editor of ITV1's new News at 10.30 , which is to launch early next month. ITV News editor David Mannion said the appointment 'enshrines and recognises the major editorial contributions made by Trevor on a daily basis'. ...

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    Shareholders give blessing to ITV merger


    Carlton and Granada shareholders overwhelmingly approved the merger of ITV at separate extraordinary general meetings this week. The two companies now only need formal court approval later this month for the merger to come into being. Granada chairman and new ITV chief executive Charles Allen used the opportunity to announce ...

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    Jowell: no plans to ban junk food ads


    Media secretary Tessa Jowell has ruled out implementing a ban on junk food advertising to children. Speaking at the Oxford Media Convention this week, Jowell said she was looking to collaborate 'with the fast food industry in pursuit of a better way of working' rather than impose a ban. According ...

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    BBC digital curriculum open for pitches


    Indies have officially been invited to pitch for commissions for the BBC's controversial£150m digital curriculum project. The BBC lodged a notice on Tuesday (13 January) with Ojec, the European website which lists business opportunities with public bodies. The BBC has pledged to commission out half the£90m content budget for the ...

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    BBC's Kilroy ban puts jobs at risk


    Jobs will be threatened at Robert Kilroy-Silk's indie if the BBC's investigation into the presenter's controversial comments about Arabs drags on.

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    BBC restricts reporters


    The BBC is to rein in the amount of comment and speculation in its news output in the wake of the Hutton Inquiry.