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Nighty Night (BBC2) - Christopher Matthew, Daily Mail
'The amazing Julia Davis has the makings of a great comic monster.'...
Nighty Night (BBC2) - James Walton, Daily Telegraph
'Shamingly recognisable and shamingly funny.'...
Nighty Night (BBC2) - Sam Wollaston, Guardian
'All the signs are good, but I hope that it manages to maintain a narrative and doesn't just become an extended ske...
Nighty Night (BBC2) - Charlie Catchpole, Daily Star
'One tasteless yet achingly funny scene followed another.'...
Your Life in Their Hands (BBC1) - Joe Joseph, The Times
'These are traumatic programmes to watch.'...
Your Life in Their Hands (BBC1) - Thomas Sutcliffe, Independent
'Programmes such as Your Life in Their Hands have become such a durable fixture in the television schedules. They d...
BBC loses£205m in lost licence fees
The government has admitted that two million people now evade paying the TV licence fee.
Labour MPs call for halt to ITV regional cuts
The government and Ofcom are under growing pressure from Labour MPs to step in and halt what they fear is a growing trend by the merged ITV to concentrate production jobs in London.
Thompson rules out C4 privatisation
Channel 4 chief executive Mark Thompson has categorically ruled-out privatisation, but has voiced support for transferring the broadcaster to trust status.
Gunpowder, Treason and Plot (BBC2) - James Walton, Daily Telegraph
'Why have we ended up with such a journeyman script?'...
Gunpowder, Treason and Plot (BBC2) - Christopher Matthew, Daily Mail
'What matters is whether he [Jimmy McGovern] fashions a good, believable story from the facts at his disposal, and ...
Gunpowder, Treason and Plot (BBC2) - Alun Palmer, Daily Mirror
'The four-parter, penned by Cracker's Jimmy McGovern, played fast and loose with the facts.'...
Gunpowder, Treason and Plot (BBC2) - Thomas Sutcliffe, Independent
'Jimmy McGovern was interested not in scholarship but in the drama of power, and the way in which power is often a ...
Campbell lands Five show
Alastair Campbell is to host a new show on Five which will see the former Downing Street director of communications interview senior figures from the world of politics, business and sport.
Government call for end to 'media scrums'
Broadcasters have been told by the government that they should call a halt to media scrums outside the homes of ordinary people.
MoD backs BBC reality show
The team behind BBC2's SAS - Are You Tough Enough? have teamed up with the Ministry of Defence to put a group of young men through the rigours of the D-Day landings.
BBC4 cash earmarked for science and ethics.
BBC4 controller Roly Keating - who was given a£10m budget increase last month - has commissioned a range of science and ethics series in a bid to create more
Production - Dressing ups and downs.
Costume design that is creative and well thought-out can give a production an unforgettable look - all the more reason not to allow the costumier's art to die out, as Kevin Hilton reports.