The new kit includes five offline suites, a Pandora PiXi HD colour-correction system and an Aaton disk-based sound sync system. The offline suites will run both Avid and Final Cut Pro, in order to attract both long-form broadcast work and film-makers. This is the first time the company has offered offline services. The new kit will be installed over the coming months on a demand-led basis. The Pandora PiXi HD allows real-time colour-correction for colourists grading in HD.
The Soho facility has taken another floor at National House, the secondary premises it rented last October, to accommodate the new services.
It is also planning to increase its DVD facilities in the next six months which has been running at full capacity and has secured a £1m restoration project for the BBC. Managing director Danny Whybrow said: 'The new investment reflects the support of clients for what we're doing and will allow us to take on even more long-form projects.'
The owner of the Machine Room, the VTR group, has recently posted its interim results (Broadcast, 7.5.04), showing a healthy upturn in profits from last year.
and will allow us to take on even more varied and larger numbers of long-form post projects.'
The Machine Room recently picked up a Focal award for best post-production work on an archive-based production for the TWI/Carlton Production Churchill.
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