French content delivery network (CDN) provider Ipercast has bought mobile multimedia services company 3G Factory and opened an office in London.
The acquisition sees the 3G Factory team, founders Dante Tota and Thierry Barnier, and its production
assets join Ipercast. Once on board they will combine both companies’ mobile technologies to create a single multimedia platform for 3G mobile streaming, 3G video telephony and Web 2.0 services.
At the same time, Ipercast has opened an office in the UK and appointed Marina Sirotkin as UK country manager. She said: “[It] means stronger relationships with our current UK-based customers including Orange and Universal
Music, while presenting significant opportunities to forge new partnerships with ISPs, telecommunications
firms, content owners and the digital media industry.”
Ipercast provides video-ondemand, mobile streaming, digital rights management and legitimate peer-to-peer services through its CDN.
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