Special effects company Lola has spent over£200,000 on new kit to cater for the HD needs of BBC documentary Supervolcano, following in the footsteps of its previous success with Pompeii.
Special effects company Lola has spent over £200,000 on new kit to cater for the HD needs of BBC documentary Supervolcano, following in the footsteps of its previous success with Pompeii.

Lola will install a Sony HD tape deck and Discreet Logic HD Flame next week. The HD Flame will run on a new generation SGI Tezro. It has been brought in to complement the facility's Shakes and will make Lola fully HD compatible. The money has been invested specifically for the high-definition projects which Lola is increasingly involved with.

Lola managing director Grahame Andrew said: "Documentaries are increasingly being produced high-def for international sales. It is a trend which will only continue."

Supervolcano is being recorded and posted in HD and is currently near the end of its 10-week shooting schedule in Yellowstone national park and Vancouver. Lola is creating volcano effects on a 3D volcano simulator on XSI to approximate an eruption in the middle of the US. It is due for completion this September.

The kit will also be used on Lion TV's Guns, Germs and Steel, a documentary about the aggressive methods of western colonisation. The HD project is due for delivery this October.