BBC News has bought an iTX News playout and automation system from OmniBus Systems so that it can produce short summaries with a two-person producer-presenter team.

The corporation is using the software-based playout and automation system for two-minute national news briefings broadcast throughout the day between major news programs.

The iTX system is integrated with the network's Quantel servers and Jupiter asset management system and allows the summaries to be put together and broadcast by just two people.

Ian Fletcher, chief technology officer at OmniBus Systems, believes the product allows the BBC the chance to find new ways of working. He said: "The integration within the iTX software suite of all the functions of a playout and automation chain allows [the BBC] to create innovative workflows and find new ways of delivering their services."

iTX News can take edits to air without prior rendering, with graphics, audio and video effects, stills and captions all generated in real time.

The technology also allows users to ingest and edit together SD and HD sources from Avid, Final Cut Pro, live feeds, digital news delivery services and combine them in the same playlist with non-broadcast material such as security footage and user-generated content.