The Hive has created new graphics for the ITV1 festive season. The network logo's blue and yellow blocks transform to become animated 'fairy-light characters' that flick around the screen. The CGI images will be incorporated into all the channel's idents and break bumpers throughout the Christmas period. Creative director Phil Hurrell and senior animator Howard Bell created the CGI figures using Softimage XSI and were assisted by Flame artist Glenn Cone. The idents air from Saturday (11 December).
The Hive has created new graphics for the ITV1 festive season. The network logo's blue and yellow blocks transform to become animated 'fairy-light characters' that flick around the screen. The CGI images will be incorporated into all the channel's idents and break bumpers throughout the Christmas period. Creative director Phil Hurrell and senior animator Howard Bell created the CGI figures using Softimage XSI and were assisted by Flame artist Glenn Cone. The idents air from Saturday (11 December).