Gobby Girl will co-produce Go Away! along with various other indies

Paddington actor Hugh Bonneville is to lead the cast of a dark comedy film from Gina Lyons’ new label Gobby Girl Productions and numerous other indie producers.  

Principal photography is underway in Hertfordshire for the privately funded film Go Away! which follows a life-long layabout and lodger, played by The Gallows Pole star Michael Socha. The character’s life is upended when his landlords scheduled viewings with potential buyers which threaten to expose his pot growing business. 

GIna Lyons

Gina Lyons

The dark comedy is written and directed by Ed Kear and Cringo Williamson, through their banner Rude Guests. 

In My Skin and Dreaming Whilst Black producer Lyons will produce the films with Kristyna Sellnerova for Go Away Film. The executive producers are Lyndon Baldock from Templeheart Films, Mark Sandell, Vik Bansal, Tarek Anthony Jabre and Melora Donoghue and Randy Wooten from Low Road Films, and Ram Getz and Michael Mortensen through their GM Management banner. Post-production is with M2 Mediapost. 

Also starring in the comedy are Ella Brucceoleri (Bridgerton), Steve Speirs, Jo Martin, Niky Wardley, Jeff Mirza and Chris Gascoyne. Casting is by Emma Garrett. 

Lyons told Broadcast she set up shop at a “ridiculous” time, saying she “figured it was tough as a freelancer and getting freelance producing work is just as hard so I may as well give it a go.” 

She added: “I am still very much a producer for hire, but having a home for my developments means hopefully I can take some more control in what I do.” 

Rude Guests said: “We had a fantastic time developing this project and are incredibly excited to see it come to life with such a fantastic cast and crew. We look forward to delivering a film that’s funny and poignant in equal measure which we hope will live long in the memory of its audience.” 

Lyons, who has a slate of around 20 scripts and decks, has previously collaborated with Kear and Williamson on short film Hello David. Lyons’ other comedy shorts through Gobby Girl include Luger, starring Jack Whitehall, Elderflower, starring Tom Rosenthal and Not Sophie’s Choice, starring Catherine Tate.