The Institute of Broadcast Sound (IBS) is to stage a one-day training event later this month on the basics of radio mics, transmitters, receivers and mic placement.

The sound engineers course, which will also cover broadcast communications, takes place on 16 May at the National Film and Television School in Beaconsfield.

The day will be split into two sections covering each area and is aimed at those new (and newish) to the industry who want to learn what they don’t know, and consolidate what they do.

IBS vice president John Andrews said: “We hope that this course will generate a lot of interest and if successful we anticipate running other similar courses aimed at the “entry level” and less experienced sound engineers. The IBS is committed to providing support and training to the forthcoming generation of sound engineers, and this is one way we can do this.”

The course costs £95.00 including lunch (members £50.00). A bar will be open after the course for networking.