The BBC Natural History Unit show is being produced from Brownsea Island near Poole, a haven for wildlife, using an 8TB Avid Unity, four Media Composer Adrenalines and two Airspeed multi-purpose media platforms.
The technology set-up, which also includes an Intel server and various VTRs, was pre-built and supplied by broadcast hire company The Hiring Post.
BBC Post Production is responsible for all post-production on the Autumwatch and Springwatch series and it is the second year that The Hiring Post has supplied equipment for both programmes.
The Hiring Post, in association with John Burkill, BBC Post Production, will also provide on-site technical support.
The Hiring Post specilaises in delivering production systems, installation and technical backup for a wide range of clients in production, post and broadcast as well as a variety of corporate organisations.
Autumnwatch airs until 7 November.
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