Rok Entertainment Group's newly launched digital video chips (DVCs) can be plugged into mobile phones, allowing full-screen, feature-length playback of TV shows and films. Around£10m has been put into the development of the software.
The DVCs, which don't rely on streaming, can be watched anywhere on compatible smart phones - of which there are around 9 million in use in the UK.
Twenty titles have been released for the launch of the chip-based video player covering music, films and television - including Coronation Street, Hip Hop Nationand Aardman Animations. Rok Entertainment group marketing director Bruce Renny said the catalogue could easily be increased to over 100 by the end of the year.
Granada Ventures director of publishing Paul Holland said: "This is the first step in [allowing] mobile users to make the most of a whole range of titles - from Arsenal games to Carry Onfilms." Granada Ventures will pick up a royalty based on an hour per chip rate for each DVC sold. The company would not reveal future title releases.
Renny said that deals had been signed with major film studios and four content-owning broadcasters. Rok Entertainment is predicting that the mobile content platform market will be worth an annual£100m in the UK within three years.
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