Glensound Electronics has launched two sound recording devices designed to help non-technical users achieve a high-quality voice recording.

The Atomic Voiceover 08 and 08+ are microphone pre-amps for dynamic, condenser or ribbon mics.

They were developed at BBC Northern Ireland so that news reporters can record voiceovers directly into their Synergy video editing system.

Glensound sales and marketing manager Marc Wilson said: “There are many mic pre-amps available, but our intention was to develop one that delivered a constant highquality audio signal to the recording or playout device that could be used by anyone, with no more than 30 seconds of instruction.”

A unique feature of the units is that an Automatic Gain Adjust system maintains constant levels by setting the input gain reading based on a seven-second test sequence.

Monitoring is included with the units, allowing them to be used independently of a mixer.