Universal Media File (UMF) allows media to be shared and used by editors working on both Avid and Final Cut Pro editing systems and negates the need to tie-up ingest channels or create multiple files of the same media for use on different systems.
How does it work?
Working in conjunction with EditShare's Flow Ingest, the user has a choice of codecs.
In the interface to the ingest server the user selects the universal media file (UMF) for that codec.
The footage is then ‘wrapped' in the UMF but the data inside remains the same. The file can then be opened in either Avid or FCP
Andy Liebman, president and founder of EditShare said: “It's really a first and the user doesn't have to do anything complex. In the interface to our ingest server you just select the universal file for that codec and it's done. The data remains pristine; none of the file data is compromised. This offers a great advantage and time-savings to any operation that wants the flexibility to work in a mixed editing environment.”
Currently, files produced in DV25, DV50 and DVCPRO HD can be ingested. Additional formats including IMX will be included in the future.
EditShare makes collaborative editing solutions designed for digital media workgroups and production companies.
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