“Dispiriting without being defeatist, Drowning in Plastic made valuable contributions to an urgent debate”

Drowning In Plastic

Drowning in Plastic, BBC1

“The 90-minute runtime both underlined the issue’s importance and allowed the documentary to transcend mere polemic to offer a balanced, pragmatic survey. Dispiriting without being defeatist, Drowning in Plastic made valuable contributions to an urgent debate, assessing cause and effect, prescribing potential solutions and recognising likely obstacles.”
Gabriel Tate, The Telegraph

“Liz Bonnin is a thoughtful presence in front of the camera and her film provided a clear and detailed look at the myriad ways in which plastic is affecting marine life, from clogged rivers that choke life from the water to the ropes that trap whales and turtles, which wrap themselves ever tighter around thrashing limbs.”
Sarah Hughes, The i

“Liz Bonnin’s documentary was Attenborough: The Snuff Movie. It was Blue Planet: Payback Time. And it’s what we need to see. Because eight million tonnes of plastic being dumped in the oceans every year is down to human greed, selfishness, myopia, inertia and bad planning. It is a disgrace.”
Carol Midgley, The Times

“Drowning In Plastic picks up where the devastating final episode of Blue Planet 2 left off. Bonnin’s conclusion is definitive. We can all do what we can but unless the plastic tap is turned off our efforts will fail.”
Chitra Ramaswamy, The Guardian

“Every minute of this documentary was shocking and grim, but the most depressing aspect of all was how feeble the response of scientists and multinationals has been to the plastic crisis. The future of the planet appears to be in the hands of well-meaning amateurs. If these solutions are the best Liz could uncover anywhere in the world, we’re really in trouble.”
Christopher Stevens, Daily Mail
