IBC 2013: Digital TV Labs is partnering with Fraunhofer IIS to introduce an audio compliance program for HE-AAC-enabled DVB receivers.
The two organisations will join forces to build a DVB test suite and compliance test service to validate set-top-boxes and internet-enabled TVs against the MPEG-4 AAC and HE-AAC (High Efficiency-Advanced Audio Coding) specification.
Keith Potter (pictured), CEO of Digital TV Labs, said: “We are delighted to be working with Fraunhofer IIS in rolling out this exciting program.
“This new development will provide for the first time a comprehensive test suite that will provide full HE-AAC coverage and compliance validation for DVB receivers.”
Harald Popp, head of the Audio & Multimedia Business Department at Fraunhofer IIS, added: “Fraunhofer is well known in the industry for its expertise in the development of audio coding technologies and the outstanding quality of its implementations.”
“This new compliance program allows manufacturers to ensure that they offer high quality audio and multimedia experiences to the end user.”
Digital TV Labs: Hall 2 Stand A29
Fraunhofer: Hall 8 Stand B80
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