CTV Outside Broadcast has launched a new HD flypack service called Airbox that is being made available with the same technical and production support as a full-blown OB.
Considered suitable for music, sport or multi-camera reality TV production, Airbox consists of a Grass Valley Kayak vision mixer, racking for Sony HDC cameras, Lawo V-Pro 8 video processing and a full-size LED gallery with programmable multi-viewers plus talkback, audio and monitoring.
CTV unit manager Greg Livermore said Airbox shouldn’t be compared to any existing system in the OB market.
He said: “The technical expertise being made available is a huge factor. The same guys that take on the UK’s biggest broadcasting events also work with Airbox. The production support, with 11 full time production managers, lets clients concentrate on their job and not get mixed up in technical or logistical issues, which was the main complaint from the people that asked us to offer this service. ”
CTV has spent approximately £140,000 on Airbox kit, not including cameras.
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