The facility's managing director, Jocelyn Buckley, said the site was not well used and did not provide the same level of service as Shepherd's Bush.
Despite the closure, Buckley insisted that the facility was not downsizing, adding that Crow was investing around£400,000 in expanding and upgrading its existing facility. This included plans to build an extra seven suites in Shepherd's Bush to house more offline edit suites, a sound studio and an Avid Symphony. A DS Nitris will also be installed in early January, when the facility plans to become fully HD-compatible.
Buckley also revealed that Crow is in the middle of its first Final Cut Pro project for the BBC which is due for completion in the new year.
She added that it was a "massive learning experience" for the facility and that it was planning to hold a consultative meeting with the BBC to discuss the issues encountered using the department's favoured desktop editor.
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