Design company: Jump
Client: Hot Sauce
Brief: To recreate the opening titles without changing their fundamental concept: guests appearing in lava lamp type bubbles.
How it was done: The sequence elements were created and animated in LightWave using hypervoxels. Background bubble trails were created using particle emitters. Jump’s senior designer, Simon Wade, created and animated all the 3D before compositing the sequence in After Effects.
Watch it: Friday 30 November at 10.35pm
on BBC1.
Design Company: Nuts
Client: Monkey Factual
Brief: The story of Queen Victoria’s youngest grandchild who was tried as a Nazi war criminal. Nuts was tasked with bringing the archive stills to life.
How it was done: Creative director Piers Helm used Quantel’s EQ and After Effects to layer, colour and create 3D moves through black and white archive stills. Dust, speckles and lens effects on separate layers give the illusion of travelling through an old photo.
Watch it: Thursday 6 December at 9pm on Channel 4.
Design company: Noah Harris
Client: E4
Brief: To create a set of idents reflecting E4’s weird, amusing and surreal brand.
How it was done: The idents combine live action, stop motion and CG. The traditional E4 logo is rendered in a number of ways, some of them very different from the original. Each spot also features a small yellow toy pig - because “yellow is the colour opposite of the logo’s purple” and because it “somehow reflects the channel’s identity” according to the designer Noah Harris.
Watch it: From Monday 10 December on E4.
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