Big Squid was behind the graphics for Killer Bees - Taming the Swarm, a Tigress documentary
Big Squid was behind the graphics for Killer Bees - Taming the Swarm, a Tigress documentary examining the Africanised honeybee. The show looks at the spread of the bees and questions why they attack. Due to the difficulties of filming a real swarm, and to give viewers the impression of flying among the bees, a CG swarm was created and then overlaid with high-speed footage of bees flying. Mike Burke art directed the swarm sequences, which were created in 3D Studio Max by Mike McGuinness. The show, which was directed and produced by Karen Partridge, airs on BBC 2 on 19 January.XTV and Soho 601, the recently merged post houses, have completed a branding package for a new magazine show, ATP Tennis, commissioned by the tennis federation ATP. The logo sequence features a camera moving around a tennis player as he serves. Motion capture from the live-action shoot was translated into a CG sequence and animation company Tandem Films then designed the final look. Cutting and compositing was carried out in Inferno by Des Anwar, with Hannah Mitchell producing. The show begins this month on Sky Sports.TSI's new 3D department has built on last year's work for S4C by producing a new set of idents for the channel. As ever, keeping a Welsh theme was vital and TSI creative director Malcolm Dalton explains that the concept was to suggest the S4C dragon without showing it, by using flames in this instance. Dalton used a combination of live action and 3D, so after a studio shoot at Video Europe in Wandsworth, 3D Studio Max and Fire were used to create the elements. Owen Tyler cut and operated in Fire, Simon Allan did the 3D, and Dalton designed, shot and directed the idents.
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