Produce by Dangerous Films, the four-part Special Forces Heroes tells the story of different missions undertaken by the SAS including the Iranian Embassy Siege in 1980 and the hijacking of a Luthansa flight in 1977.
The series blends interviews with former SAS soldiers with sharp computer graphics and visceral point-of-view reconstructions.
Fluid was asked to create and design an arresting graphic that explained the geography and timeline of the series' missions.
To do this, simple CGI models were created of planes, helicopters and the locations of each of the missions.
Head of CGI Adrian Wyer then set about creating the optically degraded look requested by the Dangerous production team.
Each animation was built up from layers of CGI which were treated and composited in After Effects to mimic the look from an image intensifier that the Special Forces might use.
VFX elements were created by the 3D team and composited in flame by Vine's Michael Illingworth.
Special Forces Heroes, which is being produced in association with Empire Media Productions, airs on Five from Tuesday 11 November.
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