The content store, which is based on the BT Mosaic Service, provides the opportunity to adopt new business models to complement ITV's television advertising revenue.
Once content has been digitised, the new BT Mosaic Service will allow ITV to edit its programmes in file format for distribution across a variety of networks and devices directly to consumers, who then have the choice of when and how to view their programmes.
ITV will also be able to allow other broadcasting companies access to their archive library enabling them to respond to trends in their own markets and edit programmes that fit with their local customs and laws.
ITV technology director Richard Cross said: “BT Mosaic will enable ITV to reinvent its channels to market to reflect the way consumers - and other broadcasters - interact with content both in the UK and globally.”
To date, BT has digitised 20,000 ITV programmes and the content is already available on
BT Media and Broadcast is part of BT's Global Services division
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