If you are involved in specifying or procuring technology within your company, Broadcast wants to hear from you.
Broadcast is preparing a special report on the industry’s technology priorities for the next 12 to 18 months.
With your help we hope to be able to paint a more accurate picture of what matters to UK broadcasters, production companies and facilities when it comes to new technology. As such, we’d like to know which technology developments are most important to YOUR business.
If you are involved in specifying or procuring technology within your company, please follow the link below and answer the five quick and easy questions.The survey should take no more than 60 seconds to complete.
Take the survey now: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/WVB2ZVY
Results will be collated and analysed with the findings reported in the Broadcast TECH supplement in June. Your answers will remain totally anonymous but we will publish a list of the companies that helped us with the research.
If you have any questions regarding this survey please email will.strauss@broadcastnow.co.uk
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