Confidence is returning to the broadcast manufacturing sector according to the results of the latest IABM Industry Trends Survey.
Based on first quarter of 2010 performance and the outlook for the rest of the year, senior executives within IABM member companies revealed that confidence is continuing to grow, that order volumes and value are increasing, and that headcount is on the rise.
Statistically, 52% felt the situation in autumn 2010 would be an improvement on now with only 4% thinking there will be deterioration in market conditions over the same timescale.
However, on the ‘challenges’ side, the survey showed that manufacturing capacity and supply chain problems are frustrating order fulfilment while customer deferral of orders and projects remains largest constraint to order growth.
It was also noted that price competition has increased markedly in the last six months.
The IABM Trends Survey Analysis is based on a confidential survey of IABM member companies.
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