Post on a six-part antiques and trading series fronted by Storage Hunters’ Jesse McClure
Post Fifty Fifty
Client Zig Zag Productions
Brief Post on a six-part antiques and trading series fronted by Storage Hunters’ Jesse McClure.
How it was done Shot both in the UK and the US, using handheld and point-of-view cameras, one of the key challenges was to balance the footage captured in the different locations to achieve a consistent look.
The brief for the grade was to give the UK footage a natural feel and, as a contrast, make the US-shot scenes warmer and more homely.
Colourist Kenny Gibb completed the grade using Baselight. Dubbing mixer Nag Kirinde used Avid Pro Tools 12 and Izotope RX4 noise reduction and audio repair software to clean up any difficult audio. Julian Nelson completed the online in Avid Symphony using a Baselight plug-ins AAF workflow.
Watch it Wednesdays, 8pm, Quest
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