All BPTW 2022 articles
Wildflame Productions
‘We don’t clock-watch or call people out if they happen to leave the office early or arrive late. We trust our staff to do their jobs’
MultiStory Media
‘We have a relaxed, friendly, energetic and noisy culture that helps build trust and cohesion’
Blast! Films
‘We reach out beyond the established pool of talent to find people outside the London TV bubble – and even outside the industry’
Rapid Pictures & Radiant Post Production
‘We want staff to enjoy coming to work and take pride in what they do, while working to the highest standards’
Mad Dog Casting
‘Mad Dog is changing its ownership structure and creating employee ownership as a consequence of our focus on wellbeing’
Asolute Post
‘The bedrock for our growth has always been creating an environment with a family feel, in which creativity can flourish’
Coffee & TV
‘We can’t change the fact that great work is hard work, but we can ensure everyone gets time and space to recharge’
How the best companies are broadening the talent pool
A commitment to recruiting and retaining diverse talent is a key feature of all the firms represented in this year’s survey
Best firms strike the right balance for staff
‘A diverse cadre of companies has recognised the challenges and is addressing them head on’
Making freelancers part of the family
Surveyed firms are keen to ensure their freelancers are treated as well as staff with fair pay and access to training and support
Big Talk Productions
‘There is a culture of cross-departmental interaction and socialising’
The Garden
‘We understand the importance of work/life balance and never want our staff to miss key life moments’
The best companies in TV focus on nurturing staff
Robust training, employee benefits and a corporate culture are among the key factors that define the Best Places to Work in TV 2022