All BPTW 2019 Top 30 articles
Stellify Media
“We make sure we approach potential sources of new talent outside of the usual places”
Timeline Television
“We offer compressed-hours options to office staff with a long commute, so that they can work a four-day week”
True North Productions
“We’re great believers that some of the most interesting voices will come to us from left-field”
Dragonfly Film and Television
“We develop and promote as many people as we can on a returning series like Ambulance”
Raise The Roof Productions
“We are committed to developing employees so we encourage regular in-house courses, as well as external courses”
Middlechild Productions
“I would love to introduce time off for staff to help with charities”
Lion Television
“We run in-house courses around areas such as camera skills, and we send staff on specific courses”
Hungry Bear Media
“An idea we want to implement in 2019 is to invite in two commissioners every month to hear ideas from across the company”
Firecrest Films
“We regularly give team members opportunities to take on more responsibility for us, to establish their talent level and encourage growth and development”