All Boom articles
Best single drama: On The Edge: Letting Go
“A moving, beautifully told story written and directed with confidence and accomplishment by talent new to TV drama”
Boom staffs up amid double C5 docs order
Cardiff-based indie adds director of ops and kids chief
Former Channel 4 exec resurfaces at Boom
Kate Devlin (neé Thomas) reunites with Big Zuu’s Big Eats indie in director of development role
Kate Thomas leaves C4 daytime department
Great House Giveaway commissioner departs after four years
Alan Carr embarks on Agatha Christie-themed travelogue for More 4
Comedian will visit locations that inspired novelist with Welsh indie Boom
Boom Cymru appoints first creative director
Former BBC popular factual development head Kate Thomas joins Twofour indie
Boomerang, Indus & Twofour Wales merge
Twofour Group has merged Boomerang, Indus and Twofour Wales to create a single business led by managing director Matt Pritchard.
2013: Big deals for British TV
From sporting battles and controversial content funding to indie buyouts and UK tax credits
Heggessey and Harries call for BBC production re-think
Former BBC1 controller Lorainne Heggessey and Left Bank Pictures chief executive Andy Harries have called on the BBC to radically rethink its in-house production division.
Heggessey's £7m Boomerang buy-out finalised
The Lorraine Heggessey-led MBO of Boomerang Plus has been finalised with new indie Boom Pictures officially established.