Create a series of VFX-driven promos for the return of Big Brother, featuring the show’s presenters Emma Willis and Rylan Clark-Neal.


Promos Gramercy Park Studios (GPS)

Client Channel 5

Brief Create a series of VFX-driven promos for the return of Big Brother, featuring the show’s presenters Emma Willis and Rylan Clark-Neal.

How it was done Clark-Neal smashes a sledgehammer against a mirror, shattering it into the form of the new Big Brother logo. Prior to the shoot, head of 2D Mark Beardall created a pre-visualisation in Flame. GPS’ 2D and 3D departments worked with a combination of Flame and CG to create the shards of glass. A combination of Realfow, Maya and Bullet dynamics were used to achieve the final shattering simulation. Head of colour Ben Rogers graded selected green screen shots and plates and after the compositing had b een completed a fi nal pass balanced and enhanced the look of the promo.

Watch it Now on Channel 5